Old internet cartoon series

wow, careful with that edge nigger

The retard conflicts his own point less than a minute in.

Fucking regressive retards. Every single time.




Maybe those people are entitled because they can actually speak fucking english and were born integrated into society. Maybe they aren't lazy, and the lack of fucking jobs is the issue, because they not only have to compete with each other for low paying jobs, but cannot compete for higher paying jobs because those continue to be held by previous generations retire because their company has fucked them by overworking them to the point of quitting so they forfeit their retirement or look for any minor discrepancy to fire them while making them do the work that took 5 employees to do 15 years ago.
Maybe natural born citizens don't want to do a job that doesn't pay enough thanks to illegal immigrants depreciating the value of the work required while reaping the benefits of a system made to help the less fortunate that legal citizens are obligated to pay into.
Yeah it sure works out great for businesses here when immigrants come in and nobody can fucking understand a word they're saying, so the business ends up losing customers.
yeah let's just ignore how native americans were not one group sharing the same background, but numerous tribes that fought each other for land constantly before europeans came over and wiped the sacred land with their asses

I am fucking livid.



And Irish immigrants (who were shit upon) blended into the melting pot and reached the average US standards by the second generation. Non-whites have failed with this miserably.

You know, my brother moved to Mexico after graduating college and he lives in a 4 bedroom, 2 story, 2 bath home by himself and he's only making about 80K a year converted to Pesos. Of course knowing spanish comes in handy.

Food for thought, but education is a lot more valuable in the third world. A lot less competition that's for sure.

I bet the guy who made this furry cartoon is ass hurt because he couldn't find work because got himself a useless degree. Probably has a degree in liberal arts and or worse the degree linkara gotten.