Old internet cartoon series

neurotically yours
I forgot this existed until it popped up on my YouTube recommendations. I remember watching this and other flash cartoon during middle school.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is still going on?

Yep. And it's triggering SJWs now.

Isn't that CR? That channel awesome faggot who rage quit the brony fandom over Bronies telling Pinkiepony too fuck off.

That's not how I would have expected things to turn out.

It's SJWs, hon; they always find new ways to further embarrass themselves every passing attosecond.

No, I meant I would have expected it to go full SJW in order to pander to them.


They made Germaine went through all sorts of shit ever since its inception, and almost all of it is played for laughs. They know that pandering to SJWs would be a load of baloney.

Boner every time, even with the shitty art. I just wish it wasn't censored.









Clay animations, I wish somebody would just upload the whole good stuff, they got.

Drawing titties for attention can be annoying, but he couldn't get over the homophobic and racial jokes, he's not a real critic, he's just a guy who bitches and moans. I want to see what happened after he stepped on the Invader Zim comic.

You should jump in a lion pen, that way you'll be useful to society. As food for our animals.


wow, careful with that edge nigger

The retard conflicts his own point less than a minute in.

Fucking regressive retards. Every single time.




Maybe those people are entitled because they can actually speak fucking english and were born integrated into society. Maybe they aren't lazy, and the lack of fucking jobs is the issue, because they not only have to compete with each other for low paying jobs, but cannot compete for higher paying jobs because those continue to be held by previous generations retire because their company has fucked them by overworking them to the point of quitting so they forfeit their retirement or look for any minor discrepancy to fire them while making them do the work that took 5 employees to do 15 years ago.
Maybe natural born citizens don't want to do a job that doesn't pay enough thanks to illegal immigrants depreciating the value of the work required while reaping the benefits of a system made to help the less fortunate that legal citizens are obligated to pay into.
Yeah it sure works out great for businesses here when immigrants come in and nobody can fucking understand a word they're saying, so the business ends up losing customers.
yeah let's just ignore how native americans were not one group sharing the same background, but numerous tribes that fought each other for land constantly before europeans came over and wiped the sacred land with their asses

I am fucking livid.



And Irish immigrants (who were shit upon) blended into the melting pot and reached the average US standards by the second generation. Non-whites have failed with this miserably.

You know, my brother moved to Mexico after graduating college and he lives in a 4 bedroom, 2 story, 2 bath home by himself and he's only making about 80K a year converted to Pesos. Of course knowing spanish comes in handy.

Food for thought, but education is a lot more valuable in the third world. A lot less competition that's for sure.

I bet the guy who made this furry cartoon is ass hurt because he couldn't find work because got himself a useless degree. Probably has a degree in liberal arts and or worse the degree linkara gotten.

should i just get used to this?

The biggest bullshit lie you'll ever be told about higher education is that all degrees are created equal. Probably one of the greatest crimes ever committed by these so called "smartest people on earth". The U.S. needs a restructuring of their education system at least. Gender studies doesn't need to churning out thousands of fucking BA's a year.

Shit degrees cry babies leave me with no choice. Nearly every loser e-celeb has a worthless degree. Channel awesome can barely run a business without e-begging. Besides Doug Walker and Brad jones. Most channel awesome talent make the same among as Burger King workers or even less.

I don't disagree with the point of your post but

That's a lot of money, that's almost double the u.s. median income, and he's living by himself which is a pretty substantial financial advantage over having a wife and kids.

They also:

They also weren't the only Americans there:


Isn't that what kids straight out of college are supposed to make? At least for a degree in Petroleum Engineering.

Go back to Europe


Irish weren't shit upon as long as non-whites.

It's hard to believe this shit used to dominate Newgrounds' top list. At least before the backlash.
Well, I guess there isn't that much competition these days.

What for? He's presumably of native to America stock.

Here we the SJW siding with Big Business. Or do you Lefties support Big Business?

You outed yourself as a SJW. Not sure if American with White Guilt, Eurofag who worships Angela "Unfuckable" Merkel, or Canuck who worships Justin "Feminist Mommy Who Cucked Daddy" Trudeau.

Also, what was the Redskin filled country that got invaded by Whites called?

And thread goes to shit cause OP went full retard.

Yeah, it was invasion, and the tribe was given the option of "integrate into our society, or stay on your reservation and preserve your culture". The difference between whites back then, and muslims now, is that whites believed that the native indians still had the right to exist as a race, while muslims following islam continue to believe everyone else should be wiped off the face of the earth.

I've never heard the term used outside of imageboards, but I wouldn't be surprised that contrarian hipsters here try to claim things made here or on 4chan are from other sites (disowning Pepe, claiming Reddit invented "Normie").

Wrong, wrong and wrong. Three strikes and you're out.


Okay. So you're a Dindu, Pajeet, Beaner, or Kebab chimpingout then? When will you stop crying over Whitey.

Didn't answer the question.

I know you're a SJW, but there really wasn't a plan by foul Whitey to wipe out the Redskins from America.


Wrong, I'm just not an in-denial faggot like you are.

Of course there wasn't a plan; it's just a logical side-effect of colonialism.

You have White Guilt. Congratulations.

Side note: The White man did nothing that non-Europeans haven't.

Answer the question or admit the Redskins didn't have a sole country that Whites invaded.

You’re the one crying about the Redskins so you can whiteknight hordes of Beaners.

And now you're crying about colonialism. Go list all the countries that were better off before Whitey.

And where were all the Dindus, Kebabs, and Pajeets who got wiped out from colonialism?

You're a hypocrite, congratulations on your double-think.

Did non-Europeans take white slaves from their home country and have them enslaved for almost 250 years, and then even after they were freed still tried to hang them from trees and assassinated the guy trying to fight for their rights?

You’re the one crying about immigration but unsurprisingly are okay with it in the instance where you were the ones screwing over others. What goes around comes around. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?



Homestar may be the only one that's still around, sometimes

I see you're pretending all immigrants are the same in capability. Are you going to lost all the Illegal Beaners who are are engineers?

I didn't know only Blacks were ever slaves. Or that only Whites had slaves.

Anybody tell me you how Whitey got his Black slaves? Or about all the slaves grabbed by Muslims?

I didn't know only Blacks were lynched. And that Blacks always dindu nuffin.

The Civil War was about Blacks!

Where were all the Blacks in Africa protesting slavery instead if doing it? And how come there's all the slavery in Africa? When will Black Lives Matter protest in Saudi Arabia for all the slavery done by Muslims?

Better yet, how about you list all the non-White movements that did more to end slavery than the White ones?

You don't have an case for mass immigration that isn't about getting back at Whitey.

List the countries that were better off before Whitey or admit you don't have a case to object to Whitey's work since significant amounts of Whites and non-Whites were better off from it.

You're a SJW with White Guilt.

Also, would you live in a Black or Kebab majority neighborhood or country? Since you resent your race.

Is this board getting invaded by tumblr?

This board IS tumblr.

Hey retard, you can't invade/immigrate a country that doesn't exist.

Seems that way. Up to us to push them back.

Maybe, more like 4chan immigrants
That's why it's being flooded with so many shit threads about clickbait and e-celebs and old news

Wasn't 4chan overrun by SJWs?

Have you been living under a rock?


Not what I said, read it again illiterate.

Look at this dindu here, trying to imply owning slaves isn't bad if you bought them off the owner's from their home country. You sound like someone who would buy drugs off a dealer, and if you got caught claim your innocent since you weren't a distributer.

Show me the mass white hangings by a group who still exists til this very day.

I'm talking about MLK not Lincoln you tard. If I was talking about Lincoln I would have said the guy who fought for their freedom. Bet he triggers you too though. Probably still salty the South lost aren't ya?

I never tried to argue for it. I just think it's funny how hypocritical you are about it. Enjoyed it when it benefited you yet cry when it happens to you. Irony at it's finest.

Can you come up with an actual argument?

Nah, because I don't like to justify invasion like you do.

Nice projecting. Also I'm not an Amerifat; who are the dindus of white people.

Why are you asking as if you don't know? Thats exactly what happened. And the infection started with 4/co/ and it's tumblr friendly "co is love" horseshit.
You can't even say nigger on cuckchan anymore

And here we may have one of those 4chan immigrants I mentioned earlier
This is Holla Forums you can say nigger now don't be scared

Are you the captian of the 4chan debate team or something?

Retard can't argue to save his life.

And so begins the damage control.

Yeah, the damage control of you after making retarded boogeymen arguments.



Oh boy
I'm just sayI'm, you can type 'nigger' dude, you're safe here, you're anonymous

This thread is crashing with no survivors, isn't it?

That picture I posted was meant to make fun of you, you weren't supposed to use it as a guide.

Nah, just temporarily derailed until the cuckchanner gets tired of being made fun of.

Did it ever occur to you sometimes people don't use certain words because… they don't want to? Shocking, I know.

Too bad I'm not from 4chan, so you basically just admitted you're derailing a thread for no reason.

nigger nigger nigger
See dude, it's that easy
It's so much better here. If this were 4chan I would have been banned already

Think about that sentence. He's from cuckchan. He won't get tired of it
Though from what was said in I don't think he's from cuckchan. Plebbit, maybe.

You're going full SJW.

Here we see the SJW blaming his race for slavery evdn though Blacks and Kebabs had slaves.

Also, America had proportionately more Black slaveowners than White ones.

Show me the mass white hangings by a group who still exists til this very day.

Blacks were hardly worse off with Jim Crow.

You can't show they would be better off without Whitey.

That's a no, I can't list countries that were better off before Whitey.

You white knight minorities yet won'ti live around them as one.

You’re one of the good Whites unle tjose Americans?That's your gimmick to get minorities to not mug you or rape your wife?

Also, it's non-Asian minorities that make America so fat. Take them away and America is no more fat than the UK.


He's a good White. Haven't you been followin?

I'm placing my bets on this one being a tumblrite who got lost.
Only they post in such a whiny, passive-aggressive way.

Well Chadseid, some people don't try to be tryhard edgelords. Simple.

Actually, we just want to get back on topic.

I don't think you're just pretending to be retarded anymore.

I guess all those fat people who shart in marts don't count as whites?


Edgy is a meme commonly used by reddit/tumblr, places you really should be getting back to.

Nigger, he's not denying edge exists. He's pointing out that "edgelord" isn't an insult that comes from either 4chan or Holla Forums, it comes from other sites like tumblr and reddit.

Wrong. I've seen edge made fun of countless times on both Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

Are you retarded? I'm saying the word "edgelord" doesn't come from any chan. How can anyone miss the point this badly?

By crossposters from reddit/tumblr, like you.
Saying that nigger is "edgy" couldn't make it more clear that you aren't from here kiddo, drop the act already.

Maybe hes "pretending" to be retarded.

My point was edgelord ain't some term invented by one the sites you like to accuse wrongthinkers of.

Sure thing, Coldsteel.

*like to accuse wrongthinkers of being from

So you can't accuse "wrongthinkers" of being outsiders, but you can accuse them of being "edgy"?
Well since edgy is such a flexible term, I've tired of edgelord SJWs coming here and crying about all the wrongthink you witnessed.

You've used edgelord and wrongthinkers unironically.
Are you sure you're not from plebbit?

Careful with that edge kiddo

You are still unironically pushing your boogeymen memes. Are you sure you aren't retarded.

Explain how it isn't edgy then?

It looks like you really are going full SJW. What with you pretending slavery of Blacks by Whitey is the worst thing ever that only Whitey should be blamed for, and pushing White Guilt while not moving to a country filled with those you white knight.

And I'll wait for you to demonstrate that Whites are as fat as Blacks and Beaners or more.

gotta have the last say on the matter, don't you?

Cry more edgelord.

The irony of your post is lost on you, isn't it?

I came here to talk about Neurotically Yours, but I won't be able to until you leave, so I'm responding to you out of boredom until then. I'd assume the others are doing it for fun too, but with different motivations.

Would you move your post a bit closer to my steak? I need something nice and edgy to cut it with.

Needless to say, the Mobility Scooter was invented in America.

White enough for ya?

So that's a no, I can't show Whites are as fat or fatter than Non-Asian Minorities.

He gone yet? Are we able to get back on topic?

Nigger tranny faggot spic kike


Gender studies is cheap to teach and makes that sweet, sweet student loan money. Even if they never get jobs, it's not like the colleges who told them they'd totally support a family on an arts degree have to forgive the debts!

I see Holla Forums is even more susceptible to goon b8 than Holla Forums.

Then why has it been used on Holla Forums and 4chan for years?
I think people are somehow getting shitlord and edgelord confusedpossibly on purpose

Holla Forums likes it
They would get bored without it



guys, he's done this before. IT was a glorious thread where this faggot got butt blasted so hard he has only decided to resurface now.

HE's great banter, he does nothing but move goalposts and deflect.

All he had to do was type nigger
But he couldn't
Top sperg






Takes me back. I was a big fan of Knox. I even bought his movie. I'm sure it holds up terribly.

Actually, it started at the top, with moot.

Isn't this a thread for old internet cartoons?

I was really hoping for lewds of that one chick.

You have failed me yet again, Holla Forums.

Don't mention or bring up anything relating to politics unless you want the whole website to descend on one thread to tell you about their unsolicited political opinions.

It started when they welcomed redwood with open assholes


No one is arguing that liberals are fucking retarded. So you don't have to act like a retard to tell us.

I get you, bro. These faggots cry about how much they hate America, how much blah blah Canada is so much better, blah blah Europe is so much better, but instead of moving they just sit around, bitch, and tell you what to do, and try to slither their carcasses into positions of power. I get that. And they threaten you if you, a patriot who loves his country, has any say in the government, they'll destroy you.

I get that bro, I totally get you.

But this is a Nostalgia thread, on a comic board bro. Let's keep on topic

Are they still gonna make new episodes, or will they finally let the series die?

I thought Tomska was continuing the series after Ed died. I miss the old Eddsworld cartoons, they seemed like good fun. Tell me isTomska still doing good.

Nah, the white ones are staying. :^)

With imageboard's contrarian culture they tend to disown anything they invented and claim it's from another site after a while (see: Pepe, "Normies")

Of course you remember. You all got triggered hard by that fact.

The only spergs here are the ones trying to force others to be edgy like them.