AIDS and Evolution, a very Jack Chick thread

I suppose he doesn't consider Orthodox Christianity to be true Christianity, but I don't think he can make about it the claims he makes about Catholicism. At least not all the claims.
I mean, if he considers Catholics to be Satan worshippers, it may be important to know what's his rationale. That may give us a clue.
If it's because of the Pope, then he can't extend that particular objection to Orthodox Christianity. If it's because of the general structure, then the objection to one could apply to the other.

Same as Catholicism, like many American protestants he believes them to be the whores of Babylon. Also he's certain Russia still start the World War 3 by attacking Israel.

Nice to see my stuff is still being circulated! I'm surprised people get so confused by the comic's, ugh, position, seeing how I tried to make it as dumb, pretending I'm a living strawman feminist making a comic about strawmen goobergluteins.

OP this is what Christians are about, I hate the secular Mediatic hippie Jesus, he was nothing like that.

My parents made me trhow a bunch of pokemon, yugioh, beyblade and watever merchandise when I was 12 because they were " born again", I could not even draw at home, fortunately they divorced a few years later but where the worst 3 years of my lifeā€¦

Well, he's wrong. They are (at least their Russian branch) those merchants that were thrown out of church by Christ.

Come on lad at least webm it.

shit sorry to hear about that user.