Serios question, is Jack Chick the biggest prankster ever?
Is he aware of how batshit crazy his creations are? I mean, this can't be real.
See this character Cathy? She talks in shitposting, and she's the sympathetic character.
AIDS and Evolution, a very Jack Chick thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude's just crazy.
It's cute how sheltered you are.
No, dude, my point is no one can actually be this fuckin' crazy.
He has to be trollin' like a real troll.
no user, he actually IS that insane.
IDK, that chick seems like she could give Gordon Klingenschmitt a run for his money (and lose).
I suspect he believes his shit. But he also realises that his shit sells better the more outrageous he gets so he intentionally plays it up.
All christcucks are this crazy.
I don't know, I kinda like the art. The smug is strong with this comic book gril.
I actually received a Chick Tract from some loon. It really really made me want to edit it into an advertisement for Berserk.
Is your faith merely an empty act devoid of true belief?
Do you spend more and more of your free time in the STRUGGLE against demons and the forces of darkness?
Do YOU have the Guts to fight against Gods?
Do you have his D&D strips? Those are my only real experience with him. I think everyone who played D&D has read them at one point or another.
And yet you have not heeded their lesson
Maybe he is just senile.
One of the first ones i have read said that Gorbachov was going to start the end of times.
Link to the tract from OP this one looks like a doozy
Nothing will ever be funnier than the D&D one though.
real talk if my kid came home with the fag disease I'd probably start forcing them to wear a hazmat suit
I love that it straight up ends in a book burning.
classic cuckstianity
The way that term just started showing up here, it makes me realize you're probably PGA back to start some shit.
It was a nice try, but we actually see through you pretty easily now. Is your /cow/ thread still going?
More like classic Chick.
Jack Chick was a fucking lunatic who only found success with the extreme fringe that currently exists today claiming that Pokemon are cyberdemons and watching liberal TV turns kids gay.
See a doctor, PGA. That fedora of yours has fused with the skin of your scalp.
You missed , dumbass.
I'd still want to play DND with this guy as the DM. That shit would be crazy.
And this is why you never let That Guy take the GM seat.
Didn't christians actually burned up Pen and Paper roleplay stuff in america? I've heard stories.
Well, christians… a bunch of filthy protestants or all other kind of heretics.
Yeah. D&D used to be the in thing to hate with the outrage culture of that time. There was even a movie about D&D driving a kid over the edge, staring TOM HANKS. It actually wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be, his character was clearly disturbed compared to his fellow players
If imageboards have proven anything, it's that pokemon really is satan's tool to warp the minds of children
What the fuck! That's awesome!
Even the fuckin' dog showed up an' everything!
You're on Holla Forums, friend. These people were degenerates from an age too early for Japan to be blamed
That was allegedly based on a true story. The "true story" was that apparently D&D players at colleges would "play it for real" in the maintenance tunnels under the buildings (which sounds pretty cool, actually. Like LARPing), and would then get lost down there (how big are these things?) and starve to death.
Anyway some guy who played it got dumped by his girlfriend or something, and went missing. A detective investigating the case decided he had been LARPing in the tunnels and had got lost, and spent ages painstakingly searching them. Actually he'd hung himself at home. Naturally the media reported the truth and blamed the detec-lol j/k they claimed tunnel-based D&D Satan worshipping rituals had driven him to kill himself.
Has he done an Imageboard one yet?
christcucks would come up with any bullshit sensationalist story to drive the public opinion towards their narrative, gotta admit i hadn't heard that one but its just as funny and poorly made as the satanic pedophiles in the 90's. lying to get their way is better than admitting they're wrong.
when you're a cuckstian pretty much all you can do is pin the satan tag on everything you don't like and try to stir up bad emotions, because facts and logic have no reason to exist in a cult.
thank god for the internet, the decentralized and neverending sources of information pretty much voided the gospel of the impotent old men's gospel.
/r/atheism is this way my friend
I don't think he has, but I would love for Holla Forums drawfags to unite to make one.
Yeah, it's almost like we are sick of your shit and we use it as bait because you faggots can't resist white knighting for your lord and savior.
Never talk to me or my God's son again
your next sentence will be "*tips fedora*"
I can't believe I only found out today there was a movie made based on this. I might actually have to buy it.
Meanwhile the Atheist Movement is infested with SJWs.
Ima KILL a Fucking Communist!!…
Actually, it was "banana".
6 million seconds in MSPaint
I applaud you
…Wasn't the Tom Hanks movie based on the Dark Dungeons Chick Tract?
This is great.
I wonder where's the one where the smarmy girl criticizes the fuck out of Tiesto, I never found it again, brothers.
Just look at
And already you've done more research than the journalist who started that urban myth by basically making up the whole story when the real one wasn't interesting enough.
Jack Chick actually sued these guys and got this strip taken down.
Fortunately, it's been preserved by circulating as a meme.
That isn't the one from the OP
Did you notice that it was a response to a request for the D&D one?
I was going to post the Purple Pussy "Chick For Chicks" comic, but the archive for the early strips is broken.
Greetings from /mu/. Does anyone have the original of this?
The original is "The Little Bride".
Isn't THIS THE LAST YEAR of the 51/52 YEAR Great Shmeeta Jewish Calendar??…
Im Guaranteeing some Big Shits gonna Go Down This Year…
I also Heard there's gonna be a Another Financial Crash this Month/Year, bigger than the Great Recession in 2007…
I'm Kinda Nervous of the Future Everybody, but at the Same Time it's Also Exilirating because We Don't Know what to Expect…
I already Know What's Coming though…
You have done a great service to the internet today, user.
Holy shit
Grade A talent.
There is no "Atheist Movement".
Sure there is. Straight down.
They did the same thing with Harry Potter and Pokemon. I knew some kids whose parents wouldn't let them play card games because they thought it was demonic.
Someone got the SJW/Gamergate edits?
he's a born again. they're fucking nuts
Fuck, what the hell's up with the sudden Reddit pollution in this thread? This fedorafag shit's just getting tiresome.
It's like fundie shenanigans (or christfag stuff in general) instantly lures their "le euphoric" shit stirring in like flies on a dead horse. It's fucking stupid.
I think he's honestly just trying to do what shrek did and turn stereotypes on their head, making a mockery of the horrifying alternate realities we could live in where table top nerds were the dudebro kings and the old are into the heretical shit and the young are the just puritans
Are you a time traveler from the the Dubya era or what?.
Other than that, fantastic
Yeah seems easy enough
When you're so far gone and the kool-aid has permeated every part of your brain, you no longer have the self-awareness to realize what you've become.
Morrakiu made some readings of Chick Tracts, which were rather funny if I remember correctly.
I love it!
What dog? Am I missing a reference? All I see is bronies vs a christian protester.
The board is supposed to be 8/pol/, "Hispachan" is that ad with the big tits, which one triggered them.
Polite sage
Does anyone have Shmorky's "Chick For Chicks" story from Purple Pussy?
The archive is deader than tank tops.
I love Morrakiu's voice. He is a surprisingly good voice actor.
is this a parody or is this serious?
ok I looked at the whole thing I think its a parody.
What is this guy's opinion on Orthodox Christianity? I know that he thinks that Catholics are actually worship Satan, and he also thinks that Jews are chosen people even though they don't believe in Christ (which is sorta weird because, according to his comics, believing in Christ is more important than not killing).
I suppose he doesn't consider Orthodox Christianity to be true Christianity, but I don't think he can make about it the claims he makes about Catholicism. At least not all the claims.
I mean, if he considers Catholics to be Satan worshippers, it may be important to know what's his rationale. That may give us a clue.
If it's because of the Pope, then he can't extend that particular objection to Orthodox Christianity. If it's because of the general structure, then the objection to one could apply to the other.
Same as Catholicism, like many American protestants he believes them to be the whores of Babylon. Also he's certain Russia still start the World War 3 by attacking Israel.
Nice to see my stuff is still being circulated! I'm surprised people get so confused by the comic's, ugh, position, seeing how I tried to make it as dumb, pretending I'm a living strawman feminist making a comic about strawmen goobergluteins.
OP this is what Christians are about, I hate the secular Mediatic hippie Jesus, he was nothing like that.
My parents made me trhow a bunch of pokemon, yugioh, beyblade and watever merchandise when I was 12 because they were " born again", I could not even draw at home, fortunately they divorced a few years later but where the worst 3 years of my life…
Well, he's wrong. They are (at least their Russian branch) those merchants that were thrown out of church by Christ.
Come on lad at least webm it.
shit sorry to hear about that user.