I want to die every day
Ever night I go to sleep I hope I don't wake up
I want to die every day
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me too
I hoped by this point I would have found the balls to kill myself
you sound like a fucking tumblrite that wants help but pretends they don't, thus fulfilling your own gay prophecy of self loathing.
Why are you suicidal anons? What is lacking in your lives?
don't want to work, and can't find a reason to want to deal with work
how do you survive? Do you drink? Drugs? Have parents to rely on?
How can I stop pretending that I don't need help? I've been doing it my whole life. It's not so simple, user.
I'm going to create a machine to keep you alive for thousands of years in pure torture.
I work, and that what makes me want to kill myself.
I wasn't happy when I didn't work, but it was doable. Now, I am just miserable all the time.
yeah, pretty much. I don't want to be a parasite.
what's keeping you from killing yourself?
Is it because somehere you still think things can get better?
Stop posting bullshit threads like this. It's a cry for attention or you've defaulted to this as your only method of conversation where you are the center piece.
All 15 years?
It's not simple for you. Because your own mind with it's shit head thoughts are keeping you down. It's not like you cannot walk or talk.
He doesn't want to die. Most people that do this don't want to actually die. People who want to die just end up one day, quietly.
The people that call out and make so much noise are the ones that do it for attention. These faggots overshadow the real people who will commit suicide.
There's 2 kinds of depressed fags:
1. Clinically retarded/chemical imbalance.
2. Mega-self-absorbed, Narcissistic personality.
Both should be euthanized.
I posted this thread because I was given some information that will make my life worse for the foreseeable future and I've got nowhere else to go. I keep it inside and am a chipper person to everyone else
I'm in my twenties now. I've been in a state of depression (hard to care or feel any emotion) since about thirteen, and my parents were always neglectful as a kid, showering me in any present I begged for but abandoning me otherwise. An easy but pointless and loveless life
Of course my mind is keeping me down. I know how to fix myself. As you say, it's not like I can't walk or talk, but user, walking and talking are so much harder than they should be, let alone going to sleep and waking up, or even brushing my teeth.
Are they faggots though? Or redeemable?
I think it shows a lack of empathy to look down upon those people who make these calls for attention/help as lesser. This is typical human behavior, I doubt OP can help himself.
to clarify; I made this thread because of an urge to say something to someone. treat this thread for what it is. it's nothing any different from the rest of the shit that gets posted here. I don't want anything
technology for one, but that is getting limited as years go on, and human invest in stupid shit. The idea of coming home to a loyal robot wife, that loves me is, imo, something that would make life worth living, but it probably not going to happen in my lifetime, or technology taking over most jobs to the point human don't have to do any work if they don't want to, probably won't happen either.
probably right. I do like hearing others' reasons for living, maybe I'll find a one that worth living for now, rather then in the future
Dude. No robot could ever replace a real girl. I just got my first gf and I'm 21 years old. It feels good man, I get to kiss her forehead and snuggle and smell her hair and kiss her .
You should go after your own happiness. Find a girl, it changes your life
Go out in style.
Sucks doesn't it?
surely it has not been that bad. there are some that suffer since the moment they are conscious.
Upsetting that you're hatred and frustration has turned inward. Towards yourself. That's a bad thing to do, and very stupid.
lolwut i had no idea what the fuck that means
way to vague. i don't want to assume and overstate/understate.
The fuck you saying? Social anxiety?
fuck me
Same. Looks like my abscess is coming back, so I think this time I'll just let nature take its course.
well, I mean my first real one. I've had two others before that but never got past 2nd base
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3DPD are hypergamous. They are all, and I could never be happy with one, as I would be always looking over my shoulder, and I would never be able to believe anything that came out of her mouth without some sort of evidence. 3DPD are not a reason to live, because they will never consider you a person, they'll consider you a tool.
If you want to take risks in your life, then good luck to you. I'd rather not, thanks.
They redeem themselves once they stop making so much fuss and noise.
I look at you fags more like posers. Sure tons of people have problems, but that doesn't mean you should become dramatic about it. Especially when the reasons behind such a problem are laughably minute. Unless you've suffered all 4 of >pic related then you'd have good reasons for bitching.
Otherwise it comes out as you looking fuck off mentally weak.
I hope you get your wish, op
don't let your dreams be dreams
The basic reason everyone lives is it is slightly less boring than being dead. There is nothing more boring in this universe than being dead. That is why I seriously do not recommend it. Peace is a very nice way of spinning the purest form of boredom you will ever achieve. Unless you are dealing with a physical ailment so horrendous death would be merciful upon anyone else who had it, I would recommend you instead searching for better ways of coping with existence. Of the two evils of life and death, life is the lesser.