Could you?

could you make this trap cum from your cock?
is your cock big enough? you have to be bigger than her dildo.

Other urls found in this thread:

How many inches long does a cock need to be in order to be considered big? What's the limit between big and small?

Also: Do women vaginas size varies between individual?

Legitimate question from a virgin here

below 5 inches is small. above 6 inches is big.
anything between is average.

Fuck yeah I'm big


Average dick size is 5.5-6.1 inches, generally 7+ inches is big. Small is generally under 5.

Yes, they can also go like reverse erection where it gets deeper when they're horny.


It's 7.5 inches.

yeah. most girls max out depth size like 6.5 to 9 inches. seems like they all like 8-8.5 inch dicks with a slight upward angle with a nice helmet. don't even try with girth. 5in is acceptable but it's a never winning battle on girth. generally if it fills her mouth or cunny she'll love you.

LOL no.
big is anything above 7.5 inches. if you don't have small hands and if you can grip your dick with two hands and then some you can qualify as muh bic dik.


Consider me baited.

No. But I could make my own cum from her ass. What do I win?

is 2" big?


Admit your a faggot already and stop acting like you're straight. You like dicks.

For you

Come out of the fucking closet already and accept your love for man-arse and cocks.


People always told me thickness > length
but that's only because of how vaginas work
Is longer better for anal?

Prostate isn't that far in, so size isn't the biggest issue in any dimension, only really the angle of it.

I hear that thick cocks are better at squeezing the prostate though. On the other hand, too thick hurts.

Ever notice girls talk about LENGTH and not so much THICKNESS. THEY KNOW. They want to be pierced, hard.
DUDE FUCKING BABIES COME OUT OF THERE. It will stretch a lot. Just be bigger than the hole you're fucking for your enjoyment. Making a girl orgasm is a strange thing.
YES. Reach the sigmoid colon and it's heaven if you both know what you're doing.

scared fag

doesn't really answer my question

ur 2 inches bigger than the supreme gentleman

yeah but should i keep it or tranny?

keep it? you want a vagina?

um, yes. (doesn't everyone0

lol make sure you actually pass as a girl.

u dont wanna be a dickless man

passing is overrated tbdesu


Moar pls?

ok fam just when u chop it gib us the livestream

Then chop your wrists

I'd just make him abstain from fucking himself with dildos for a few days and let his asshole become tight again. Then I would fuck him with my tiny 5 inch cock and he would be satisfied.

That's the beauty of assholes, they tighten back up naturally.

So do neovaginas

I wiah i could cum while i'm getting fucked but i have hemorrhoids.

I can't even finger myself

Fells bad man

Hemorrhoids is caused by uncleanliness. Learn to clean your ass, faggot.

I have 4.3 inches

Would a trap laugh at me?
Would she like it?

It actually started becausa i was having dificult to poop and i was forcing it

There's a surgery to fix it but i'm too embarrassed to go to the doctor

Yeah, you took massive dumps that caused your ass to tear and then you neglected it. Then you grew massive itchy growths on your ass and wonder why it happened.

probably not. Four inches isn't very feminine, but T-blockers and Estrogen can do wonders. At least you shouldn't have much trouble with tucking.

I didn't say that being a fag is bad, I said that OP is a fag

Looks like a kike

The jewish trannies are the best

Prove it

good goy

Moar pls? for skyens


Any in mp4? cant view WebM's right now :(

Sorry m8, nope

does anyone??


here, take this:

robots go back to rvk

I think we missed something here: who's this?

i like them a little darker


can we keep this going? especially with more of these two. sauce would be much appreciated.

This is a qt

Mia maffia


Gross tits