When normies get drunk, they want to fuck, get stupid, dance to nigger music, and get degenerate

When normies get drunk, they want to fuck, get stupid, dance to nigger music, and get degenerate.

When I get drunk, I want to marry a traditional woman, expand my family with in-laws, and raise kids.

WTF is wrong with me?

Other urls found in this thread:


You are normal, they are not.

fuck off special snowflake

depends on the type of aspirations, queerorino

So have you ever encountered one o' dem "traditional women"?

Just because you haven't doesn't mean they don't exist.

Stay defeatist, elf.

You're an obvious shill for starters.

for whom?
Wanting a modest wife, kids, and extended family–
Disliking degeneracy makes me a shill for—someone?

You're on Holla Forums. Automatically you are a failure at life and no failure gets with a traditional woman. Again, user, keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkk!!!

well since you never stfu about >muh family values and do the same unconvincing 'why whatever do you mean, me fellow kids?' reaction when confronted on your shilling, I'm gonna guess for storm/pol/. Also, way to point out what a special little snowflake you are for having feelings while drunk and doing fuckall about it.

kek, okay faggots.
Enjoy MGTOW or being a literal/figurative elf, unless you're an actual faggot.

since we're like hal.fchan now with filters.

Nothing at all OP. You have invested yourself heavily in rational views on a family and a future for yourself and you're people, and you become uninhibited about this (unusual for our brainwashed culture, and exhibited by you're acquaintances) when you drink.

I advise you to learn to consider things and share them with others when you are not drunk OP.


wow, somebody with the exact same writing style agrees with you 100%! What the fuck are the odds of that?!

in vino veritas?

Logic, you dickhead.
If you don't want a traditional woman, you either want a man or a non-traditional woman. and unless that woman is a even-more-mythical-than-traditional/unicorn "neutral" woman, she's a slut. which makes you a elf.

believe what you want.


t. buttmad numale c.uck

is elf wordfiltered again or something?


Same fam. Guys what do. I'm 18 and skipped the last 2-3 weeks of school. Got an email from a few people and they said my class misses me :)

i kind of want to date one of the qt azns but I can't be assed to actually go to school

your faggotry is amusing.

The answer you seek lies within this informational webm. It's a secret that's been kept from you, but now the truth will be revealed.

Inb4 seizure

your inability to refute anything I said is infinitely moreso.

There's no flashing colors in it though, how'd you manage to get a seizure from it?

what's the difference fam?

I'm glad someone made this.

Back to elfchan loser

back to storm/pol/ failure


Me too OP. It's so good to marry a nice girl.


Welcome to the club

when i get drunk I paint shit.

not him, but I want a 2D women

When I get drunk I mumble sweet nothings to my waifu

and your lineage ends in ash and dust.

but how?

you're stupid and are holding onto things that that have passed long ago.
You can either look in other place for a traditional 3DPD if you do find one, don't take her back to the west, her PD will start to show if you do or you could wait for sexbots to be worth a shit, this is what I am doing


I love it when the hats lines up right

Holla Forums I know because of your ideology you think 3DPD are the best thing ever, but please just stop being a white-knight for a sec.

Nah, my shit's already in a sperm bank so my genes have fine odds of passing on. Have fun chasing after 3DPD.

when I get drunk, I just feel sad and tired

careful, they might change the laws allowing them to come after you for child support

when i get drunk i think about olden day siege equipment and feel the urge to take jerusalem

I'm drunk right now and literally all I want to do is buy people things, tell everyone I love them and watch anime.

Vagoos are gross. Never marrying or having kids. Any Anons want a game on Steam sale? Dubs I'll consider buying if it's in my price range

I'm black btw so keep the price low ningen

Actually fuck it. I'm a drunk black Holla Forumsack. AMA.

I love you all. I came from SomethingAwful to GaiaOnline to DingDong4chan to 4chan to 4chan and Naruto Forums to 4chan and Digg to 4chan and Reddit to 4chan and Holla Forums to Holla Forums, Deepwebchans and Blackwingchan.

Y'all are my tribe. anyways ask a literal nigga anything. I'm a black gay weeb.

Fuck off back to reddit.

They literally don't allow you to donate if you're any of the following:
you're probably all of theses

you first :)

I don't trust this , looks dodgy as fuck.

From whom did you steal this computer?


I wasn't talking about the wanting, I was talking about attaining. How the fuck you gonna find a traditional woman? Femanon?

When normies get drunk, they want to fuck, get stupid, dance to nigger music, and get degenerate.

When I get drunk, I want to murder a traditional woman, exterminate my family and in-laws, and rape kids.

When did things go SO RIGHT for me?

The guy on the right isn't even that ugly. If he got a haircut, shaved, and put on like 5-15lbs he would look fine. Even without bulking up he could acquire gf

are you there because everybody there wants to suck your black cock?


Stay bitter, elf

When i get drunk i find myself starting to praise Stalin and grief over losing such a wise and strong leader of the liberation for the working class and its allies while missing someone as charismatic and forward for the cause today.

It's not much different from being sober, just more melancholic.

pic related

are you lost?

Are you retarded?

Rhetorical question. Yes. You are.

Have a serene mobile pape and get yourself together

better redarded than Red.

At least you're honest about it.


Sure buddy

Let me guess, you're just pretending to be an autistic commie faggot?

Let me note, you're still just "pretending" to be retarded.

yep, I'm both actually and pretending to be retarded.

the duality of man

when I get drunk ,I want to smoke shit. and get philosophical.

You communists are as retarded as hitlor worshipers.

t. Joker


If i were retarded, then why am i a Marxist Leninist and thus a superior being?
Stalin ∞
Anticommunist plebs 0

fascists and communists are fuckin retarded.

When I get drunk, my family gets into philosophical discussions. Their opinions are objectively wrong 100% of the time. Except my mom's. She's usually on my side, which involves the fact that the police is bad and racism is good.

odd mix.

only when you get drunk?

no, normal people want to sing the folk songs of their ancestors, warm themselves by the fire, howl at the moon and maybe fuck their wife (or get in a fight)… when you're sober you should want to do those other things

Why not both?

neck yourself

Why get drunk at all?


you've got a case of rosy glasses

when I'm sober I'm an introverted blanket-dweller with a strong fear of people
when I'm drunk I can actually talk to people, it's like a super power to me. It also temporarily fixes my sense of humor since normally I can only laugh at really retarded 50 layers of irony bullshit.
