Stay at home wife or Mercedes E Class

What is so great about the M3?

The 2001 M3 (E46) is a marvel of German engineering.

LOL u dumb cunt….
In real world you would use your fancy car as a trap to get the bitch… but since you already have one at home, there is no need to have a fancy car.

You can't fuck a mercedes E class and get babies out of it, mgtow faggot.

Worth it.

low-test beta male detected

100% agree. I can't wait to buy one and turbo it. If your wife is a "cost" you arent doing marriage right. While you work for money, your wife works in the home for you. This should make economic sense, saving money and time on eating out and doing chores. When the chilren are young she also ensured you can keep providing while parenting.

Nobody says you need to fuck a car, Achmed

SUPER ULTRA ALPHA MALE in internet reporting in, eh ?

Not redirecting enough money back to your favorite corporations, Moshe?