I'm sick of wondering.
What is the true meaning of anu cheeki breeki ve damkeh??
It's Part of a Russian kids poem.
what was that poem? I find this difficult to come up with any results in searching.
what did the whole poem mean? what about the cheeki breeki part?
You can put it through transate if you want, I don't think it means much though.
А ну чики брики и в дамке is the cyrillic for it.
no translator seems to want to work for it, and obviously I can't see the cheeki breeki part of it… that's the whole poem?
sorry for spoonfeed request but could you translate the whole poem and the cheeki breeki part highlighted or something for me please? only if it's easy and not a huge inconvenience or something…
I just don't like using things when I don't know what they mean, and I wouldn't mind being able to use cheeki breeki occasionally if I knew what it meant and it was safe to use.
idk anything about a poem, not saying that couldnt be it though. the kym page (inb4 newfag) on it doesnt help. i always saw it as a reference to STALKER where npcs would say it randomly.
It's like bix nood. It has no intrinsic meaning.
It was something very dependant on the context, so it depends in which situation you use it or something. That's why you can't find a real translation for it. In stalker it was used an order for the fellow bandits to flank the enemy.
Translation would be something like "one, two, you're on top" if I recall correctly.
Used as a "I have the advantage over you" in the STALKER series I think?
is right.
I saw something about that when I was searching for info, I think it must be a very metaphoric phrase, because the Russian word for one and two aren't there, neither is the word for you('re).
thanks anons, this is interesting.
You could try "ya lyublyu bolshoi hui"
what's that? it doesn't sound very fun.
i love big dick
how do you pronounce it?
actually that may not be quite right, i cant remember if the word i used for love is only for people or not.
yah l-you-bl-you bol-shoi hoi is about as phonetic as i can think of.
the true meaning is u learn how to fuckin spell it, u cunt
no, it wasnt.
I thought about the same thing op.
Wanted to ask the Slavs at work but never had the nerve.
Where do you work? A tracksuit factory?
Where you from, the baltics? Can't think of anywhere else that would just have slavs on hand.
From what I understand cheeki breeki doesnt really mean actual words, it means similar to 'abra cadabra'
My fellow work colleagues relocated from the Russian Federation
We have a lot of Russians where I work.
Good people for the most part.
u know czechs r slavs too and dont act like this?
No, u dont
I don't know why this hit me so hard but I laughed like a stupid idiot. I feel bad because I think russians are cool. tracksuits are cool too.
pretty sure that most slavs act like that
largely irrelevant to any situation its a play on words sourced from a children's educational song.
Its rather playfully clever like singing "London bridge is falling down" while cutting cutting down a rope bridge your enemy is on.
is right, both in the literal translation and the general meaning but the context in the stalker series is akin to him shouting to his allies "I have flanked him, take him now!" or "Kill him now i have him distracted!" just know that he is also teasing you a bit while doing it.
so dont feel bad about shooting him in his stupid little face and fucking the bullet hole until you bust your load and it dribbles out his nostrils. not that you can afford to feel anything in the zone. its a dangerous place to be distracted.
Yes, it is. Not only that, but you're a nigger with AIDS.
The "chiki briki" could just be rhyming nonce, like "hickory dickory dock".
It is cyka davai.
It has to be broken up into several parts to be more accurately translated.
"Anuu" is basically a generic word across several slavic languages meaning approximately the same thing as "hey".
"Cheeki breeki" pretty much means "fool around", the rest is hard to translate, but "Damke" approximates to a flanking maneuver.
Essentially though the whole thing together means "hey, distract that guy while I flank him". in the context of the STALKER games.
What I learned from a friend who speaks russian is that its mostly gibberish. Supposedly, cheeki means female dog (bitch) and breeki means whore.
Wrong. All slavs act the same way. They only differentiate themselves via linguistic differences and geographical location.
Meanwhile, cyka blyat translates to "fucking bitch!"
It means you must breeki before your cheeki
translate told me that "damk" was a word for king, but some of the stuff i read suggested it was to do with chess, so flanking could make sense.
the "i v" part translates literally into "and in,"