Social Justice is a KGB Brainwashing Plan

At least you tried. I won't judge. It is good material regardless and explains a lot of the situation we are in today. Makes it even more frightening when you see that libshit/SJWs are programmed to react to certain stimulation with your own eyes..

But that makes them predictable.

It was never a secret.

Is KGB how you spell "Jewish" in your language?

How new are you, this is even common knowledge on 4reddit

Keep lurking, newfriend ;)

I always treated Holla Forums as an interactive version of Colbert Report, even back on 4cuck. I never took you fags seriously and now I guess the joke's on me.

Don't worry goy, after some time you'll be in kool kids klub.

welcome to 8ch Holla Forums circa fall 2014, friend. glad you caught up.


The UN is a front for comintern, communism is really just a capitalist slave system the global banking elite want to set up where they're the hidden aristocracy and everyone else is a slave. Communism and capitalism are the same sides of the Jewish supremacist coin.

"Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism." - Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (co-founder of the World Zionist League which would organize the foundation of the modern state of Israel).