Who was in the wrong here?

It's just so stupid.

He's literally using the "I am speaking loudly, thus making me right"



There's always been a strange tension between these two. I don't get what Joe was even trying to accomplish here.

It's an alpha male thing, they're too similar. They both have backgrounds in stand-up comedy, they're both into MMA and fight training, and they both host podcasts.

Joe is generally pretty reasonable, but he has two topics he just gets insanely triggered about, religion and drugs. Everything else he's really chill and open-minded about, but those two topics if you don't share his exact view on, there will always be an argument. And with religion, he gets like that with anyone Catholic or anyone completely atheist. Where drugs are concerned he's pretty much built his entire life around them, and IIRC he has a chain of some pot merchandise he sells so there is a profit motive there, but he's like that with drugs in general.

What we witnessed was the modern day equivalent of two roosters puffing up their feathers and bumping their chests. This can be shown in Crowder repeatedly mentioning "Come on my show" because that's an environment he feels more comfortable in and has greater control over.

Anyway, they made up and it's all good.

How can anyone ever listen to or watch Rogan after the shit-fest that was the Trump-coverage is beyond me.

He's such a fucking degenerate LA-liberal. Lives in his little mansion, doing drugs with his friends and lives in a fucking bubble. He never had a real job in his entire life, why the hell should i listen to you Joe? Fuck off!

why does rogan care about weed so much

He can kill you bare handed

Joe's podcast value is completely dependent on who his guests are.

This is the most accurate summary.

I don't really care for Joe. I watch his podcasts because of his guests.