What the hell

I want to exterminate kikes, slay shitskins and torture fags, but all I get is THIS!?

What kind of test is this? I believe in everything Hitler believed.

Why do you want to hurt these people?

Are you some sort of savage beast without a mind? Are you seriously brainwashed this heavily? What a fucking loony.

Hitler is the new moderate, user. You're competing with ISIS now.

Are you a commie?

Nothing worthwhile can ever be achieved without violence.

That's what I mean by brainwashing.

You can't make a statement that's so obviously wrong. Don't you know you have to justify your claim? You need to use empirical evidence.

Using an absolute like "nothing" makes your claim even more difficult to prove.

If there was ever anything worthwhile achieved without violence, your statement is automatically wrong.

A person who makes wrong statements openly can be safely disregarded. If you're too stupid to make objectively true statements, and you crave violence, then you really do appear to be a feral animal without a mind.

You seriously irritate me, kid. You're a total moron, and you're not even smart enough to realize it. Fuck off, and do some research into science and philosophy if you want to even appear to be anything but a total fucking retard.

aka I'm too much of a beta pussy to think for myself, I need someone to follow like the sheep I am

Yeah, yeah, lurk more or fuck off back to reddit you cunt.

You almost had me until there
2/10 too obvious

your reasoning is based in impotent rage, not rational thought.

I dont believe youve even read Mein Kampf all the way through.

its you.