And they're getting shit sales for it. Just let the free market do it's thing.
Now we're cookin' with gas!
And they're getting shit sales for it. Just let the free market do it's thing.
Now we're cookin' with gas!
As you say, Marvel has always been liberal, and that was fine. The problem is the hypocrisy, and it's no longer about telling a kid to open his mind to new people, it's about telling them to shut up and get in line. Look back at G.I.Joe or Jem, they never pushed diversity by saying "we have TOO MANY WHITES, they will now be replaced by people of color!" they just had a diverse cast and expanded on it with people that fit the growing story. If Marvel just introduced new, diverse character, they COULD do that, without being retarded. But they force them to take the place of established characters, which has never been the way to do it.
I don't even get the point of Mockingbird, because she's been a strong female character who didn't whine about the patriarchy for decades. And a lot of the times she points out "sexist men" it doesn't even make sense, in a way that it almost feels like the writer KNOWS it doesn't make sense. The issue someone posted a while ago where she broke into an offshoot of AIM, and they knew she wasn't a evil scientist because she broke the well known taboo about taking off the helmet can, she just acts like it was sexism. It's like if I went to a Muslim place of worship, spray painted a cartoon of Muhammad on the wall, and when they said I was no Muslim, I called them racist. Which at least would be CLEARLY satire, so I still have no idea if Mockingbird is supposed to be serious or not
dat filename
Did you see the image in OP, you fucking retard?
I love when scenery supports wordplay.
At my High School there was plenty of high-achievers that were women for stuff like Maths and English. Only a neckbeard beta would find the concept foreign to them.
All I've seen of this starts at issue 3, the moment when the comic starts off with an insane feminist monologue about how unfair life is for her… but am I only being fed what Holla Forums wants me to see? Am I only being told to outrage because it's expected? Maybe, maybe not. Is this genuine insanity, an inspire parody, or something else entirely? I don't know.
BUT WE WILL FIND OUT TODAY. I will story time all 5 issues, which is apparently the entire expanse of the story. We will see what we end up with in the end. I'm only reading this a bit before I post it, so there will be breaks between issues as I save the next. Hold on to your butts, Holla Forums, we're going down the mockinghole.
I can relate to this growing paranoia scale. It constantly seems like Holla Forums wants to push my mindset a certain direction, and I have to push back. I also get prodded constantly due to some medical issues. Not an Infinity formula/Super Soldier Serum cocktail, but I still give a lot of blood.
She can make balls twitch. So can most girls, DON'T GET COCKY!