Is there a female within DC's sphere of influence that Batman hasn't slept with?

She's an abused woman with Stockholm syndrome, seems like there's a feminist angle in there

They don't deserve to get paid, she's entirely derivative of the Joker

as for

You're using a really low standard of evidence, it seems like your criteria for sleeping with them is flirting with them, but…

aside from ones that have already been mentioned…

Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld
Pretty much the entire Legion of Super Heroes
Most of the Titans and Teen Titans
Mary Marvel
Star Sapphire
Batwoman (I post-crisis or II, he most likely slept with the original Kathy Kane)
Any member of any Lantern Corps (temporary Blackest Night lanterns aside)
Iris Allen
Linda Park West
Abigail Arcane
Element Girl

Black Canary (if we're not counting the non-canon All-Star Batman and Robin)
Power Girl

Fuck you


It's not because I don't like the character, it's because it's a spin-off of a character that isn't theirs

She's a female clown that is famous for running around with him. She isn't her own character, her character traits are just an obsession with the Joker and being willing to do psycho shit.

And having a passionate streak, and animal care (Bud & Lou), and having psychologist training, and getting along well with Arkham's inmates (not just Pam either, all of them), and possible acrobatic training, and…

That was just the stuff I could think of off the top of my head.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

They designed her, they named her, they wrote her first appearances, they defined most of her personality and character traits. That is creating.

God forbid you ever create anything because you'll be singing a different tune once corporate use the same faulty reasoning you have to swindle you out of your royalties

It's not creating in the same sense that Bill Finger and Bob Kane created Batman, or even in the sense that they created the Joker. Her character couldn't exist independently of an established character. It springboarded off of an established character to be used in an established universe, once again derivative of the work of others. They are not entitled to any financial compensation for her usage.


Should the person who created Lucius Fox's kid Batwing (II) get paid every time he shows up to make it look like the Batman family is diverse?

Should the person who created Duela Dent get paid every time she shows up?

Should the person who created Batwoman's sidekick Bette Kane get paid every time she shows up? Actually, since she goes by the moniker Flamebird, which originated in Superman comics, should whoever came up with that moniker be paid too? Or the person who decided to apply it to Bette Kane?

In fact, should Alan Moore be paid every time Oracle showed up because he wrote the Killing Joke and without that Barbara wouldn't have turned into Oracle?

Look, the fact is these people do work for hire for DC with the understanding that DC will use concepts and characters they create if they want to. In exchange for this, they are able to play with a sandbox of characters and ideas (within editorial constraint) with an established following and audience that would be hard to attain otherwise. Dwayne McDuffie had unusual rights over Static, but that owes nothing to the cartoon, it was because he created the character for the Milestone comics imprint, which provided creators with the right of final say over uses of characters they created.

Timm and Dini aren't entitled to shit with Harley. If they were, it would open up such a can of worms that no one would want to bring in any lesser-used characters ever.