Though Lois has a history for being a League groupie.
Is there a female within DC's sphere of influence that Batman hasn't slept with?
Sebastian Garcia
Chase Cruz
Does it matter? I don't believe he fucked any of them.
Easton Thomas
If we're seriously having this discussion, as far as I'm aware he never fucked Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman, Lana Lang, Aquaman's wife, Big Barda, Supergirl. In fact it's a pretty big list
Jackson Turner
Hence why it would be far more interesting to ask the question with instead
Mason Thomas
His mon
Hunter Kelly
Batman has Mons now? Is that what we call Bat-Mite?
Lincoln Lee
Well…there is one or two.
And if he does, I'm pretty sure he will cause the end of humanity. The dick.
Always get a laugh out of me.
Matthew Diaz
Martha Wayne?
Luis Thomas
Benjamin Foster
fairly sure he hasn't touched Blackfire, Katma Tui, or Stephanie Brown
he probably couldn't stomach stephanie brown