Is there a female within DC's sphere of influence that Batman hasn't slept with?

Though Lois has a history for being a League groupie.

Does it matter? I don't believe he fucked any of them.

If we're seriously having this discussion, as far as I'm aware he never fucked Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman, Lana Lang, Aquaman's wife, Big Barda, Supergirl. In fact it's a pretty big list

Hence why it would be far more interesting to ask the question with instead

His mon

Batman has Mons now? Is that what we call Bat-Mite?

Well…there is one or two.

And if he does, I'm pretty sure he will cause the end of humanity. The dick.

Always get a laugh out of me.

Martha Wayne?


fairly sure he hasn't touched Blackfire, Katma Tui, or Stephanie Brown

he probably couldn't stomach stephanie brown