you can fuck girls without you being a couple or without it being made public
from my perspective, couples are just an arrangement to be with someone and eventually fuck without feelings necessarily being involved none of the romance bullcrap
can't help ya much more
Owen Garcia
Have fun being a wagecuck sodomites.
Carter Cook
Hunter Reyes
OP, are you me? Literally everything except taking medication is similar to my own perspective I have similar feelings towards romance: I'm frightened of the idea of family and friends knowing about any potential love interests. I think it's a normal avoidance reaction.
The reason that I'm scared of others knowing about any girls that I'm interested is that my family is a bunch of monsters. They're jealous, vicious creatures whom I wouldn't want anyone to interact with. It's like a kind of self-quarantine, almost: they're infectious with their sick personalities. I've had nightmares about family members finding out about girls that I've had crushes on. What about you, OP?
This article might be part of what you're looking for.
Matthew Taylor
I also know that feel, user.
I'm 22 and I've had relationships in the past, but I don't like telling my family about any friends/interests to the point of being scared for similar reasons. The worst part is they scheme and come to rumors about any female I interact with. One of my friends are half-black and female, and my family doesn't seem to get that I have no desire to fuck a nigger.
Asher Bailey
It's very common Curing it isn't
Dylan Lee
I feel you brah, I'm 18 and never had a relationship, I was seeing this girl and I just cut her off, like stopped talking to her, blocked her on fb, etc.. Wich is kind of fucked up, because I recently learned that her brother killed himself, I think it was a combination of me not loving myself, me being afraid of relationships because of my childhood and me being afraid of crushing if I ever do kill myself. So yeah bro, I feel you, I thought before that it was because I was overweight that I didn't get a girlfriend, but then after losing a good amount, I felt even more lost in regards to relationships and shit. I don't know how to fix this, I think I'm going to start seeing a therapist soon, got shit got me fucked up, can't even go to school.
Landon Green
Yeah, it's a bad feel.
My older brother has actually threatened to cuck me if I ever get a girlfriend. My sister continually jokes/seemingly wishes that I were gay and continually worms her way into my social life while spreading rumors about me to my friends, and my mother hates men in general.
The only solution, if your family is a den of vipers, is to officially isolate yourself from them. I'm gradually earning my freedom in bits and pieces (getting a car, getting a job, working on my associate's degree, etc.). Once I move out, these fucks will never see me again.
I pray that you and OP are able to break free of the tyranny of your families. God bless, user.