what sort of beard are you sporting, gents?
What sort of beard are you sporting, gents?
A few days old
post bearded or beardly things here
I shave my pubs and stick it to mychin with crazy glue.
nothing at all. I recently started shaving with a razor for the first time ever
feels weird when the wind hits my bare chin and neck
this one too bit longer though
if we're being honest
This is why y'all are either virgins or betrayed.
The beard is part of your head though.
I rock a douchebag chinstrap tbh
wut ?
You know damn well what I meant, beardfag.
I'm too ginger for that.
I look like the fighting irish leprechaun just not as cancerous as pic related.
That's pretty ugly.
Hair is manly, if you're saying this, it's probably because you are two yung 2 grow a bear, you're job won't let you, or your a fag.
I sport a goatee without the mustache because work won't let me have a full beard
damn, I never knew Holla Forums had any rules about facial hair
He probably can't grow a proper beard because low T.
Shit grows in like Joe Dirt's beard.
I naturally do not grow chest or beard hair. I suppose I could grow a mustache, and a small forest on my legs, if I was a disgusting, fat slob who had long accepted loneliness.
If you're saying this, it's probably because you feel you are unmanly without your fur, your social circle won't let you, or you're a fag
If you don't have it you probably aren't old enough to browse the site.
You need more testosterone fuccboi.
do you shave your legs, fag?
hair on a man is natural, of course it's manly for a man to have his natural manly features.
Nnno, it's actually properly genetic. It's not patchy, or short, and I've literally never had to shave or clip them. They are straight up bald. There are like 0 actual follicles there. Daddio is the same way. I am fucking lucky.
That's kind of interesting, post pics.
Can't tell if sarcastic. If you actually want one, I can take a minute to take one and strip the exif stuff.
yeah do
I'm curious to see if you're bullshitting me.
Sorry that took a moment. I can take another pic with timestamp, but it couldn't be nearly so close - as this is as close as the camera will focus on my chest.
Not proof enough, friend?
I have a full beard and mustache that I have someone trim for me roughly every three months.
I've gotten "compliments" by which I mean sarcasm along the lines of 'hur hurr duck dynasty', but I don't really care that much.
I just really hate shaving and I won't get rid of my face pubes until I have to find a new job.
Not him, but I still want more proof.
I find naturally bald people fascinating.
By bald I meant facial and body hair.
Not having hair on the top of your head doesn't mean shit.
I am not quite naturally bald. Plenty of hair on my head and I seem to be regular everywhere else - some soft fuzz on my arms and some annoying prickly shit on my legs. But yes, my chin and chest have fuck all - the pic I posted is so close you can see pores and the texture of the skin, and there is very literally like no hair.
Anyway, what more proof would you like?
Fucking chest hair…
Literally just your chin and chest, Hitler trips.
I'm perfectly comfortable with my facial hair, but I'd love it if I could afford laser surgery or some shit to stop my chest and shoulder hair from coming back, and I'd like a picture of you as a comparison
didn't mean to sage
That's slightly thicker than my chest pubes.
They get sweaty as fuck even in the middle of fucking winter, I hate it.
This is a thing? You can have a pic of my bare shoulders, too, I suppose.
I never figured I'd be posting fucking pictures of myself on Holla Forums, ever. Additionally, pictures of one's chin are really fucking difficult, jesus christ.
Your testosterone levels depends on your genetic patrimony
Yup, that's what I just fucking said
now you can use this "advantage" of yours and become a sissy
My entire chest and stomach look like that.
I have a small patch under my neck but that's about it on my back.
I seen some oldfag cruising in a convertible and I swear his shoulder hair was flapping in the wind.
He had more hair on his shoulder than his head.
I would have just taken a shitty FB tier selfie and cropped it in paint to remove my face and EXIF if I were you tbh.
And yes, shoulder hair is very much a thing, I've seen many people with thicker shoulder pads than mine at various beaches.
Anyway, judging from your vague and blurry pics you must save a ton on razors.
It's fun to have face pubes though. I can't imagine myself not having them, they keep your lower face warm in fall/winter, and you can always just trim that shit with scissors.
I'm pretty much the same way.
Oddly enough I have zero back hair below my shoulders.
I mean, I have ass hair, but it seems to stop completely right below my hips.
It's like some sort of weird silver back gorilla pattern, but with skin instead of hair.
I have literally never seen or heard of a person having hair on their shoulders, what the fucking hell. Pics? …Could someone make a giant set of Gurrenn Lagann shades, out of hair, across their chest, hypothetically - extending beyond the shoulders?
Come to think of it, by the way, my back is the same situation as my chest - there's no fucking way I'm tying myself in knots trying to get a pic of that, though, sorry.
No I mean, I literally lack the hair follicles to develop anything more than I currently have. I've never shaved the areas I've shown in the pics above. Regardless of testosterone, nothing would grow, like for instance, on your hands.
here, I could actually do that, but it would get mighty thin towards the top of my shoulders where the pecs meet the delts (or whatever the fuck the shoulder muscles are).
So if I did that it would be like having Kamina shades but with blurry top corners.
that's not a man thats a ape
this one
You can go to any beach in America and see some hairy fuck though, no exaggeration.
This is mostly anecdotal, but I've been to beaches and lake shores all over this country and hairier fucks than me are everywhere, it's amazing.
Not sure about Europe because I've only ever visited Germany and have never been to a pool or whatever they have there where you can get semi-naked and swim about.
Have you seen a dermatologist, or any sort of doctor that said :
"Sir you're missing the hair follicles on certain part of your body"
That was a long time ago but this guy didn't have shit on the guy ibwas talking about.
Not a dermatologist, but a regular doctor. I guarantee it's not low t - I have virtually none of the other symptoms, additionally.
Well I don't know if girls around you like beardless guys but those around me really don't
I once asked my gf what she thought about guys without hair, she looked at me straight into the eyes and literally just said: "gay"
My gf would probably break up with me if I started growing hair. Neither of us are in the slightest gay or otherwise faggy.
Granted, she'd probably also break up with me if I started building a bunch of muscle, if that makes things make sense.
My wife loves my rug of love.
Or she tells me that anyway…
Bitch might be lying
All you scraggy faced faggot kids
>All you scraggy faced FUCCBOI kids