Your favorite races from h-games

>>600919752White girls

>>600919752Slimes, Harpies, Plants, maybe Insects depending on the type. And of course, Centaurs.I don't really dig lamias.

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>>600919752the milf race

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>>600919752You posted it.

>>600921346Pussy but it’s thick and suffocates your penis


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>>600919752the one that anal vores me

>>600921647Nah, cant be least not more than twice

>SlimegirlsPros: typically the most based dummies, show up right away, hardly any scenes involving them aren't hot as fuckCon: they usually stop appearing after the first 10% of the game is done>HarpiesPro: wing hugs are fucking awesomeCon: hope you like talons instead of feet>SuccubiPros: Gets straight to the point, wide variety for everybody's fetishCons: things can get weird really fucking quickly, or it's just boring vanilla sex with a couple 'ufufu's thrown in.>LamiasPros: Long tail to completely wrap you up, easy to find spank material for themCons: often associated with snuff and vore, some artists insist on drawing them with panties and it just looks retarded>PlantgirlsPros: Nectar and Pollen for additional sensual assault, often very beautiful, vines used as tendrilsCon: Completely sedentary>ElvesPros: Knife-ears are usually their weakspots, turning them into melted butter in your handsCon: bruh you're fucking a haughty white bitch what's the point

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>>600921647Honest question from an outsider, what are the key characteristics of an android? I assume that the more advanced an android is, the less distinguishable it is from a "real" living entity, so there's gotta be some kind of a limit that an android design shouldn't cross, in order to maintain its identity as an android, right?