If he made a film, what would it be about?

It will be a documentary about why women should eat nothing but boiled eggs.

What did he do?

He's really not like that. Yes, he wasn't happy about Brexit but he's a moderate liberal who despises SJWs and their rhetoric.

it would probably be some hugely edgy lovecraftian-wannabe horror thing about a self insert character, as is half of anything he's ever produced.


And every nerd you know would act like it was the funniest thing ever.

I remember when the fags in GG were all excited because Yahtzee kind of alluded to them positively in a three hour LP. The only thing sadder than e-celebs are their camp followers.

Mogworld was actually pretty good. I expected it to be a pile of shit, but it was okay.

Holla Forums pls go

I don't know who this is, but based on his photos, I'm gonna say it would be about a bespectacled man in a fedora who has to be the lone voice of reason who fights back against a racist, sexist, homophobic Christian tyrant.

He just moved to San Francisco so anything you like about him is going to go anyway.

This is one of my fears, yes.