This was tweeted by "LeSean Thomas" a couple of hours ago, co-director and producer of "The Boondocks", a popular cartoon I'm sure most of you are familiar with.
I don't want to go into "meme magic" territory, but it seems more apparent by the day that blacks, regardless of their social status, and a strong tendency to fall into the "WE WUZ" rhetoric and mentality. And we all know(as any intellectual honest Historian would tell you) that these claims are not only misrepresentation of historical facts and actual cultural appropriation, but that they are indeed historical revisionism 101 with a weird mixture of mysticism and pseudo-scientific theories that would make falt-earthers blush.
Moors weren't black they looked like modern Morroccans, although they ruled over blacks as well the leaders weren't black. They also only ruled southern Spain and Portugal in the last few hundred years they held onto just a small part of it, etc. And the irony is that all those paintings are from the late 19th century, painted by European orientalists in a consciously romantic mode. they have about as much relation to black Muslims as a romance novel cover does to, say, English peerage.
But what "triggers" me the most, especially as an actual tuga in this case, is the fact that people only stand by this preposterous claims but go as far as signaling for them. And I'm talking about people that know this has no base is Historical facts, but will remain silent in order to make appropriating and entitled afrocentrists not "feel bad about themselves", because they know know that blacks need to inject themselves into other cultures, especially European ones, to compensate for their insecurities and reinforce in their vacuous heads that they "WUZ KANGS" indeed.