Confession thread, I'll start

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Pissing in a shower is pretty normal, y'know.
She told me that she'll be "free" this week and away for the rest of July cause of her summer vacation shit.
Doesn't seem like it tbh, I feel cheated somehow. And I've lost my determination. After asking her out (and supposedly succeeding) it would be a shame if I gave up, given the fact when I was talking to her my heart was about to allahusnackbar, my heartbeat was so high it was almost on Jupiter; therefore I ain't gonna give up as going back to school and seeing her would make me fall in love again and make my last year of this bullshit harder than it has to be, wish me luck fellow losers.


She will never forgive you after what you did to her Gilby!!!!!!!!

We might have the same thing. Mine is called rhotacism. Any time I tried to say something with an 'R' in it, it sound like an 'L' or an 'O'. It sounds like baby talk when they're first trying to learn how to say words.

A speech therapist could help you fix it in about a year if you're up to it.

one tried to fix it when I was in pre-school, didn't do shit, I don't trust those fuckers now

Kennedi confirmed for heartless

