Don't you get crap in there and stuff?
Is he a pleb or patrician?
Hudson Lee
Nathan White
Not really, you actually have to try to get it dirty.
Jose Collins
…How the fuck would?…
No. No you don't.
Christ user
Camden Clark
What the hell is smegma then?
Hunter Wood
Dead skin
Austin Powell
Something civilised people do not get. There is this invention called a shower, Jews hate them but if you're a goy there's no need to mutilate your dick in order to avoid them.
Ian Ward
I don't know, but it's interesting.
Brody Lee
Thomas Ramirez
When you cum and you don't fucking wash. It's like people who don't take a piss after they jizz, just asking for infection.
Luis Parker
How can you not take a piss after you jizz? You just hold it?