Growing up isn't encouraged anymore.
Men watching cartoons
If it wasn't anime then they would find something else to retreat from reality into it. Every generation has those who refuse to mature past a childs mentality. This isn't a new thing.
Maybe they're parents?
>>>Holla Forums
There nay be truth to that. Kids in college and graduates are staying with their parents and it's a generation more coddled than any that came before them.
Not the right board.
Holla Forums spreading their cancerous rhetoric outside of their containment board once again I see
It's just diaperfag. He likes to spam Holla Forums and Holla Forums (and probably other boards) with garbage threads.
Holla Forums sprung back to live thanks to Holla Forums and Holla Forums spreading their shit all over the site
I would have preferred it to die instead of becoming a battleground for political stooges to throw shit at each other.