What is going on ? Why do humans keep being the bad guy ? What is wrong with being human? Why would monkeys or aliens be somehow good ?
Why would you not genocide aliens or mutant monkeys ? You didn't get to the top of the food chain on earth by dying.
War for the Planet of the Apes trailer
They never explain why the humans are bad at all. What did the humans do to the apes? The humans should be the apes' God.
After this trilogy of films will they reboot the first movie and continue from there?
Good point.
Technically the movie industry depends on ticket sales and dvds much more so than the cartoon industry.
Thus the dreaded law departments for movies are huge and powerful, while the same cannot be said for the cartoon industry that airs on tv and anyone can record with ease.
One thing is easy to access by default - aired on tv.
The other in movie theaters for tons of cash and is hugely dependent on sales.
It's literally a species war
Cartoons mostly depend on merchandise sold.
Jesus fuck dude that's the fucking story, chimps are angry at humans. Who the fuck cares.
Pretty sure it's way past the original story by now.
So then what about Disney movies. If I had any desire to I could watch Disney's latest shit princess on a cartoon site, but I can't find Jurassic World free anywhere. I could pay $9.99 to WATCH Jurassic World on youtube, but holy fuck that move is not even new anymore. Why the fuck would anyone ever pay that amount?! Fucking jews.
Frozen made truckloads of money on merchandise. For a while I couldn't enter a store without seeing Frozen characters plastered on everything.
I'm just saying that this isn't the next Breaking Bad or something, it's supposed to be a humans vs apes movie. Humans made those intelligent apes, not the way around, so of course the monkeys are gonna be the angry ones for being experimented on and held in cages. They did escape, they weren't released.