How can somebody so stupid be so smart?

I don't see how wanting your children to be "normal" in an age of cuckoldry is good.

A real man kill what he eats.
The weak are meat, and the strong sure do eat.

I'd rather starve to death.

Why not spend that fucking time improving the lot of the white race?

What did he mean by this?

I meant that while goys are masturbating over masculinity, jews are studying law, sociology, and finance, and coveting positions of power within those fields.

Keep hunting like a retarded lumberjack from the XVth century goy.

Yeah, we shouldn't hunt, because that somehow stops us from being literate.

Xenoverse century?

Is it not an argument? How are you going to compete against a Donald Trump-tier kike who spends 20 hours a day working, while you pretend to be le hunter in the forest?

No, because it makes no fucking sense.

How does hunting prevent you from succeeding at work?
