Imagine his tiny little penis buried in pubic hair

There's way too many of these vapid nerd culture cunts who use products as a substitute for personal identity. They think recording themselves in front of a shelf full of children's toys and video games entitles them to fucking PHD in entertainment and the worst part is that millions of people want to watch it.

This is like that thing the Traditionalists were talking about.

How long does it take to go bald? He must have had that combover for like five years now.

Shh, it's okay, 4 years isn'tthat long of a time to produce salt.

indeed it's going to be 8

fucking kill me.

Trump will be impeached in less than one year kiddo

whatever helps you sleep at night, goon :^)

I had a red-pilled memester gf once. It was nice.

that or you know