You mean Fox, and Fox, and more Fox? This may surprise you but it's the same kind of media framing that all mainstream news networks uses. The non-story angle, a framing meant to create a story out of nothing just for the sake of a what-if angle. As terrible as Obama was, and he's definitely going to go down as the worst president in history, he's chaotic neutral and that's why he's made both the jews and goyim mad.
The birther thing isn't nonsense. His own half-brother knew about it before it was even news. Hillary was supposed to win the nomination and that's why her team and her investors supported her and that. When Obama won, they tried to work with him and kept him in line with a viewing of the zapruder film.
Jonathan Powell
I brought it up to illustrate the stark difference between both of the major political parties. Nobody on the left has said "we will not let him accomplish anything" or "we will make him a one term president" as the leaders of the other party have done for eight years. The difference between both globalist, free trade hawkish parties which never miss an opportunity to use our military for political gain - the main difference is that the left respects america and its hallowed institutions. They will not hamstring trump they will play fair for the good of the entire nation… the right will take their ball and go home as soon as they start losing.
Dylan Morales
I Member
Josiah Adams
You're joking.
The "right" is owned by the same people who own the left. There's quite literally no difference between any of them. The left keep pushing and the right keeps recoiling to pressure and their schemes. The right has been controlled opposition to the left for dozens of years. The left hasn't even been the left for even longer. Besides, Obama got almost everything he wanted passed either through congress of (unconstitutional) executive order. He got very close to fulfilling his childhood dream of damaging the whites beyond repair (See recently published video of him visiting his home country). It's sad to say people who still fall for the left vs. right meme let alone the use of ellipsis.
only retards think obama has done anything criminal or uncostitutional. he has had strictly rabid opponents since he first rose to prominence at the 2000 democratic convention. he issued perfectly legal executive orders because the congress and senate refused to do their jobs, as required by the constitution, and allow debate and vote on his proposals. its happening right fucking now with the merrick garland nomination. unprecedented, historically the lowest the legislative branch has ever stooped to stymie an opposition agenda since the south voted for secession. they are unamerican and traitors to our very way of life when they disrespect the office they hold by refusing to allow floor debate
Chase Russell
Why defend the left? They criticized Bush for his warmongering and rightfully so. But when Obama drone strikes innocent people they're nowhere to be found. I'm sorry if I'm sperging out I just hate when people act like the conservatives and liberals are any different but when they come into power they are authoritarian shit bags.
Matthew Adams
So are you okay with Obama drone-striking innocent people in the Middle East and expanding the surveilance state even more than Bush did/
Ian King
i dont give two shits about a dumbass who decids to go to his terrorist cousins wedding. they know who among them are "martyrs" and "jihadis", they have a choice to get the fuck away or suffer the consequences
Jayden Nguyen
Mason Howard
You proved my point. When your guy isn't in charge you care about people's rights but when he is you don't and just lap up all the horrible things he does like a dog. Fucking pathetic. Well Trump has all this executive power thanks to the combined efforts of Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr and Reagan. Enjoy your hell liberal hypocrite.