ITT: """""classic""""" films you dislike


The original Lolita is probably one of the best dark comedies to ever exist. If you don't understand it, you're probably some retard that is just hating on it because "muh pedo degeneracy". If you actually understood it, you'd see that the movie actually mocks pedos.

Too much of a chick flick for my taste

I missed the train on this meme, explain it.

You watch it for the cinematography if you're a man. That and the fact that it isn't PROGRESSIVE.

Blair Witch project. The idea and lore is more interesting than the movie itself.

Most of spielbergs stuff is shit. But this one especially chaps my ass.

go back to whatever leftist shit hole you crawled out of.

you're not that tarkovsky fag who kept posting the threads with the kino anagram, are you?

i forgot to add that tarkovsky was an autistic weeb and his opinion means jack shit.

Lolita (1962) is a comedy and completely satirical. It's a very rough take on the actual novel, it doesn't portray what the novel tried to. The remake in the 90's was a lot closer to the novel and was more of a romance/drama.

You're literally a faggot if you think the older Lolita isn't a comedy.