Trump is 72, isn't he? That's old, dude. He could, theoretically, croak at any point after being elected, even being currently healthy.
Of course, Hillary is a bit younger, but still old AND terminally ill; both vice-Presidents have a shot of getting the job before their terms end (and Hillary's vice has the best shot by far).
Parker Harris
every fucking time
Ethan Sullivan
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Connor Robinson
You mean a small loan of one million?
Austin Nelson
Considering Trump favors fags over Islam, and Hillary constantly opposed Gay Marriage if I were gay I'd have Trump as a dad.
Jason Martin
Trump is 70
Hudson Jackson
If Kaine was my father, I'd kill myself for being a lesbian butt baby.
He isn't a man, he's a 'person'.
Nolan Miller
I'd say assassination for trump is more likely than illness. if he gets elected the left is going to try something
Nathaniel Fisher
Trump is going to bite the banker bullet, guaranteed. I bet it will come from the gun of a "lone mentally ill BLM activist little boy disheartened by hateful rhetoric of Trump".
Angel Miller
IF that happens it would make him a great martyr, would create a big swing right, and he has two based sons who need to enter politics