Whats everyone's take on Richard Wolff...

Even the Bolsheviks themselves thought that the Soviet Union was state capitalist. Lenin explicitly said that Russia is too underdeveloped to become a socialist country, which is why it should become a state capitalist one instead.

And then Stalin industrialized in 5-10 years. Lenin's point bout it being too underdeveloped became moot.

Which is 100% compatible with social democracy. Co-ops aren't socialism anymore than universal healthcare.

Wolff has good stuff. He is not just a market socialist who wants coops. He has a lecture series from 2011 (Advanced topics in Marxism?) that goes over many topics including his take on the USSR and marxist analysis of family structure. On the topic of famines in the early USSR his take is essentially that collectivization was the solution to the famines and also the solution to the unintended consequences (kulaks) of the earlier land reforms (he calls them land privatizations) done by the Bolsheviks. In last year's Left Forum talk on Gramsci he emphasizes the point that Gramsci took much inspiration from the Bolsheviks and the October revolution. On the topic of family, his take is that the traditional family is a miniature feudal system and socialists revolution ought to address the family structure as well. I also recall on multiple occasions of him saying markets are not the end all be all of economics. These are not views of a mere market socialist with coops kind of dude, he is constrained by the culture in America and the need to appeal to a typical American audience.

One aspect I dislike about Wolff is his stance on taxation, he hasn't taken the MMT pill yet even though he certainly has been in contact with MMT economists like Michael Hudson. Granted, I don't know if this is because he doesn't comprehend MMT or if it is due to him wanting to present the layman's understanding of taxation.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.
t. Lenin

Ownership and management of the means of production by the workers is what literally defines socialism


Yes, real socialism is when the means of production are owned by the state rather than by workers.

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tl:dr for ☭TANKIE☭s everyone is either a ☭TANKIE☭ or a anarchist/liberal