Why does so much of the left have such a massive fucking stick up it's ass...

Why does so much of the left have such a massive fucking stick up it's ass? I'm part of online Socialist discussion groups that ban you for simply swearing. Why is so much of the left obsessed with tone policing?
How do they think your average blue collar worker who uses fuck and cunt as every second word is going to react to the utter neurotic tone policing that is everywhere among leftist groups and orgs these days?

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Psychologists use the term "socialization" to designate the process by which children are trained to think and act as society demands. A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society. It may seem senseless to say that many leftists are over-socialized, since the leftist is perceived as a rebel. Nevertheless, the position can be defended. Many leftists are not such rebels as they seem.

I've completely stopped dealing with leftists who don't identify with "Dirtbag left" or essentially leftypol these days. It's like walking a fucking minefield when trying to talk to non leftypol/db leftists, even the most inconspicuous thing will fucking trigger them.

A large part of it is this idea that all "oppressed people" are snowflake children who are so thin skinned and anxiety riddled that they will burst into tears when they hear anything that could relate to their disability or race or sex, not realising, those of us from oppressed groups have been dealing with this shit literally since childhood so we're actually fucking hardened as fuck to it. Do you honestly think I give a fucking shit when I hear the word "Coconut" because it's often used as a racist insult against those of us with Polynesian heritage? Fuck no, I don't even really get offended when called it directly it's just laughable. Yet if these leftist groups even realised Coconut was used as an insult (nobody cares about polynesians) you can make a $100 bet the word coconut and coconuts would be banned from all leftist discussion and or groups.

Too bad the rules of the left are set largely by hilariously anxiety riddled white college student leftists obsessed with Idpol and oppression Olympics who project their own issues on us PoC, Disabled whatever and the rest of the left follows along because they don't want to be branded "ablelist" or "racist" or "sexist".

because they're not leftists. they just pretend to be

The joke of our generation

Like 95% of these people are able bodied cis white dudes, so it's not even "their" identity that is being insulted. Ironically, they are often the ones who condescendingly tell women/blacks/whatever what to be offended by. 'Member catgirl drawfag?

That's also why Reddit loves their shitty memes like "gay space communism" so much. It allows them to pretend to be something other than the cis white straight male they hate.

Is this really a thing, or are you pulling our leg?

Faux Self hatred while still wanting actual power in their spaces and IRL

I'd like to think it goes deeper than this but it's obvious to me know. it's because some of these people ona subconscious level have pauses or doubts about their leftist beliefs. They are Usually upper middle class or richer younger folks and those who found social circles with them. They combined the old school gated community sensibility of being properly presentational and nonoffensive with a fear of actually having a left in actual power.
This classic people has always hated the poor but always liked masking it or giving the dirty schmuks just enough so they leave them alone. So when the in vogue thing for the vast majority of young people in America is basically social democracy they feel threatened. But all the cool peeps are doing it so you go along. Gotta stay presentable. Then actually far left people get more and more popular and you start to get nervous. But all the cool peeps are doing it so go along, HOWEVER this time you can't because all the talk of killing landlords and Eating the rich hits way to close to home. So they identify the most "presentational" Marxism imaginable, the university Marxist professor attitude with a little more emphasis on""social justice "". Because these things do not pose a threat to the existing order. It's true that most uni profs aren't radical leftists like the right claims but for decades there have been many big time college class lefties witch in the end didn't do shit. These r/ socialism types are just latching onto a socialism that they know can never grow in popularity or appeal. Because the actual poor and middle classes below them are populated with dirty, "problematic" people. They say offensive shit, they got a Rolodex full of slurs , and they find horrible things hilarious. I know because I am one of them and grew up with my fellow schmuks.

And being populated by moneyed people this reddit leftism (a great way to feel mightier than thou while actually helping exploitation) slowly grew in influence and power. Ban the words retarded, stupid, crazy, lame from your spaces because they're not civil or nice. Eventually you'll ban anyone who could actually grow socialism by bringing it to the unwashed masses. Make it stay confined in university reading circles where civility reigns supreme and your actual privilege of a small trust fund and ski trips every winter and never having to worry about money in your family stays secure.

Please stay smart, but never forget to be a bit dirty and unkempt in your outreach or lives comrades. It's literally the only hope for western Marxism left

fascists aim to normalise their vile ideology by corrupting culture through amongst other things casual use of swear words like nigger, faggot and retard. it is not so insane to consider the fact that nazist thought is nothing more than a postmodern mashup of preexistent elements of culture to maximise potential of its victims to become perpetrators of violence. it is pretty much a joke that ends in burning people in ovens. it is not unexpected that internet trolls fell for this bait and are now le ebin frogposting forten eitu ait kekistani fucktards. we can only try to contain this brain aids from spreading, but ultimately the only way to defeat a troll is to troll it harder until it becomes the victim of it's own joke.

someone's projecting

almost like leftism is a mental disorder

learn some manners, stupid crazy troglodyte

I went back and reread that section of IS&F and I think he was actually pretty spot on in describing the psychology of most "Leftists" and radical liberals.

omy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society.
Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the
contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream
society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people,
peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More
fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the
individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes 4 ) for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up
to these principles.

Basically, people are socialized to adopt the behavior and thinking society wants them to, namely traits like tolerance, respect, peacefulness, etc., because these traits allow the normal functioning of industrial society (more accurately Capitalist society, Ted didn't get everything right). Some people are oversocialized, where these behaviors and thinking is taught to them so intensely that it causes them stress; they believe they must always be pure and no exceptions are allowed. This is different from normal people who might be socialized the same way, but who don't always think and behave as they "should". Some oversocialized people try to rebel as a result of this oppressive socialization, yet because of their socialization they can only rebel in support of the very things they've been socialized to believe and do. I think this is a pretty good explanation of /r/socialism types who are super sensitive about other people's identity. I don't think this explanation works for identitarians who are actually concerned with their own identity and not others.


Additionally, I don't think they're necessarily rebelling against their socialization, I think they're oversocializing themselves as a form of rebellion and radicalism.

There is no doubt that socialisation patterns affect the base of later social behaviors, traits you mentioned are from a long time staple of leftist thought, if society and culture can be corrupted to be more violent/hierarhical by right-wing - the opposite is also possible. of course material conditions and political-economical system affects the possibilites, so ending capitalism remains a top priority.

For a brief time I was a redditor (please forgive me) I recall I got unneeded praise for being bi. It was actually pretty annoying

go home faggot

Let's not fall into the trap of accepting their premises. If Reddit was 5% trans paraplegic autists it wouldn't suddenly validate the identity-based whinging

meant to say 95%


lets face it we are the real losers


Fascists aim to normalize their ideology by arguing that economics, politics and culture are secretly controlled by cabals of Jews, that minorities are being privileged over whites and that violent/intolerant immigrants are being imported into western states to increase the power of said Jewish overlords, again at the expense of whites. Racial slurs are a minor factor. It's completely possible, and probably more effective, to sanitize fascist arguments of slurs and bad words, and present them as rational, self-evident and logical arguments or truths.

It's completely stupid to think that the normalization of slurs or racism is the root of fascist support. And likewise, it's not gonna win you any converts to be the side that polices language and censures speech, when the other side professes and practices the opposite. It's alienating and a sign of weakness.

What is he even trying to say?


most of those slurs to stupid to be anything but funny

This is a thing, you don't hear about because there are few polynesians and it's such a weak insult

It's about what you'd expect from kiwi's trying to be hardcore. I assume they came up with it, no?

It gets even better considering what the kiwis had to work with, you should be able to find a good insult for genocidal cannibals

Comrades who are serious about the struggle (and not just reactionaries in disguise like OP) should understand that the words we use and the language we have either fights or reinforces imperialism.

If only you knew how bad things really are

I just assume they are either COINTELPRO, or counter-revolutionaries. They get the bullet either way.




First, there was the authoritarianism that gained the upper hand in the USSR with Stalin, and authoritarians are known for lack of humor, Holla Forums being a weird exception. This has followed the far left since then, even among vehement anti-Stalinists. Second, LARPing SJWs fagging everything up even further.

A neurotic ideology attracts neurotic people.

This is stupid and crazy

And this is different from Holla Forums how?

i've been thinking about this a lot lately.
people are under the hysterical notion that they have rights, where no such thing exists in their lived experience, yet they cannot come to grips with the cognitive dissonence.
they think that civil rights are advancing because on TV they say 'african american'. meanwhile 6 billion kek fueled discord channels are dedicated to saying nigger constantly. they seem to think that once there are more (whitewashed) POC winning academy awards then all of the hatred, bigotry, and oppression will stop.
people's illusions are wild.

Things you can't say on Holla Forums:
Rac.e war
Whit.e genocide
Ant.i white
Re.d Fascist

You just literally said those things though, and you're not going to be banned for it. The word filter is fucking retarded, but it's mostly an inconvenience, and half of it is trying to be funny.

Strictly speaking, you can say these things. The point of wordfilter is just to make fun of people who abuse buzzwords.~

Yes you can, not being able to just means you're a newfag.

do we still get clovers?


nah, they're union flags now (or just gb for some). the clovers were much funnier imo (satire of Holla Forums obsession with jews etc), this just reeks of anti-anglo butthurt

>on Holla Forums
Probably not the brightest thread you've made, OP.