Has anyone else seen The Kulak Movie? What are you thoughts on it? I just watched it and I can honestly say it's my favourite fantasy romcom of 2017. Really powerful stuff.
Has anyone else seen The Kulak Movie? What are you thoughts on it...
So they actually made a film about kulaks eh? Guess porky must be really frightened.
didn't see it personally, bit the tralier looked like shit and most reviews say it's shit so I'm not even gonna bother torrenting it. Just look at that fucking poster
also look at the dude in the blue coat, what a true nationalist freedom fighter using a fucking german handgun. Disgusting
This movie is almost as bad as Company of Heroes 2 (vidya) of being borderline Nazi propaganda.
Hey porky, whatcha doin'?
Well many Whites would later become Wehraboos calling Hitler's drive into the east "Liberation".
Even better, the movie lost 20 million dollars in production.
Kek nice
remember the 20 million, prole
Would post the vid of the holomodor bus if I still had it.
We need to MST3K this movie.
Trailer looked downright bonkers.
"I was born in a country where everything was possible" - which meant being born in a Russian Empire, as a serf (unless you are 12 or younger).
How old is the protagonist? An 18 year old would have been alive in the first world war and have been alive when the Tsar ordered the scorched Earth policy of Poland where the Tsarist Russian army torched everything in the path of the advancing German army.
>It was all frolicking in the wheat fields until the evil communists came
wew lad
I'm on board for this (Marxist Media)
It's weird, between this and Anastasia. There hasn't been this much pop culture manufactured to stir up fear of the communist boogeyman since the USSR was dissolved. Interesting times lie ahead.
Yes it is pretty interesting. Also all the reactionary/anti-socialist stuff that recommended by Youtube as soon as you watch ANY video on politics (although that may simply be the algorithm, but the fuck do I know I'm a brainlet with computers).
The page is from this book
For the record, I'm an anarchist but I still think the Holodomor is fash propaganda bullshit so I wasn't going into this movie with the most open of minds.
In any case, I have to say it's hilariously bad on every front. All the main characters have Received Pronunciation British accents; the 20th century Ukrainian peasants are portrayed as medieval Slavic pagans crossed with 17th century Cossacks with chupryna hairstyles; there's a big emphasis on muh freedoms and Ukrainian nationalism even though the main character (who's a literal kulak/kurkul btw) is still a kid when the Romanovs are killed and this is a semi-feudal economy; in one scene the local Commissar and Red Army troops enter the village to requisition grain as le evil gommies xD and the Commissar, which appears to be accidental, knocks over a major character's peasant mother with his horse and gives her brain damage (this is a major plot point btw) and to top it all off the film ends as a romantic war film with cossacks killing le evil Commissar and taking the grain back whilst the main character flees to Poland to 'tell the world what Stalin did'.
Much h8 generate against muh evil commies, 10/10 spectacular film says reviewer Joseph McCarthy.
Are these real names?
*600 million, pinko
Let me guess the film never mentions the first world war or Alexander Protopopov that was the Minister of Interior who protected Russian speculators hording bread during the food shortages in WWI. I also can guess the film ignores Russia's entry into the war brought it nothing but loss and the Great War killed more Russians then even the most inflated numbers for the Holodomor.
Grover Furr's skewering of it is great
I went to uKKKraine last year touring the keverim (graves) of several tzaddikim (righteous Jews). Ask me anything about what I experienced on my trip to this reactionary hellhole of a country.
How present do you think are the outright Nazis in Ukrainian society, like the Azov Batalion? Did you see any? What do Ukrainians think about EU/NATO, is it true that they idealize it because of anti-Russian sentiment or are they actually critical of their government?
I'll tell you this…
When I was in Kiev (first night) I saw a man with a "black sun" tattoo on his back while riding the metro to get to my hostel. The next morning as I was taking the bus I saw neonazi graffiti THREE TIMES in the city.
In Uman, the rebbetzin told me not to wander off. She said the city beyond the little Jewish area was "very dangerous" and that the locals frequently attack Jewish pilgrims.
From what I know, Ukrainians are more anti-Russian than anti-EU. Watch the demos by fascists and you'll notice how they frequently attack "communists, Russians, and Jews". Also take into account communist symbolism is banned in the country and promoting communism is illegal.
Do you think that nostalgia bait like Ready Player One, Stranger Things, new Star Wars etc. is being used to spur reactionary sentiment? I mean, all the things they try to evoke are very blatantly products of the Cold War.
Sounds pretty bad. I always thought that Ukrainian nationalism is inseparable with antisemitism and Nazism, I mean the whole founding myth of Ukraine as a country is based on right-wing esoteric theories about being the land of origin of Aryan people. Hitler himself was spooked about Ukraine as being a breadbasket for the Aryan race where children would play in endless wheatfields so much that he ordered to occupy the Ukraine despite it being damaging to the war effort. Historically, there was no Ukrainian nation, cossacks certainly never perceived themselves as such.
I've talked to Ukrainan nationalists on the Internet and they unironcially believe that Ukraine is the land of origin of the Aryan race, that Atlantis was actually an ancient civilization swallowed by the Black Sea, and so forth.
Wanted to add: in case you have any doubts about the economic situation of Ukraine post-USSR, in every city/village we went to there were junk sellers and panhandlers everywhere. Kiev looks like shit, and I'm not just saying that out of spite for its fascists/Jew-haters. The streets are dirty, the metro (which is actually pretty nice) is full of people selling gaudy plastic trinkets and low-quality clothing. Prostitution (sex slavery) is a huge problem in the country as well. When we were in Medzhybizh, a small town in the countryside, we were approached by a few school-aged boys who begged us for money in broken English, like they were specifically trained by their parents to go up to visitors and ask for spare change (I should mention, one USD gets you a bucketload of hryvnias and everything in the country is dirt cheap).
The only thing worse than Soviet state capitalism is capitalism.
"Original Aryan" stories are huge too. Wouldn't surprise me though, given that Eisav is our eternal enemy. Jews were Maoist Third Worldists millennia before Mao.
It certainly does, but I don't think it's being "used" to. Any social order that's going to sustain itself has to reproduce it's superstructure somehow, of course, but the purpose of all of these goods is to make profit.
I'll let you in on a little secret. I believe there is something very odd about the Holodomor in a theological sense. Lazar Kaganovich z"l was a Kohen (priest, direct descendant of Aaron). Think back to Parashah Chukat in the Tanakh, what does Aaron do? He is given the task of purifying the Jews after the sin of the golden calf. What did Kaganovich do? He attempted to purify the USSR (a nation born of secularized messianism) by starving the enemies of the Jews. Kulaks who refused to hand over their grain were shot - burned - by Kaganovich's handymen.
This is too bizarre for my taste.
*purifying the Jews via the ashes of the red heifer
Note: I'm no fan of Stalin, just pointing out how strange this all is from a Jew point-of-view.
very interesting can you explain any further
I'm not going to pull a Roo and claim everyone who starved to death deserved it if that's what you're asking. Stalin did way more bad than good.
why did you go to Ukraine in the first place?
Guided tour run by a Jewish organization to visit the graves of important Jewish figures buried there.
Were the graves vandalized or not?
They're mostly preserved. The cemeteries themselves are run-down though.
Did you manage to ask what those Ukrainian Nazis thought of their Jewish President and Jewish Prime Minister?
Also on board for this.
It's 1 billion you commie cuck
Pfffff…. 2 at least.
First and foremost, it's not secularized messianism. "Theologically" speaking, Soviets were ascending to godhood.
Secondly, I need to go drink some brain bleach now.
ITT: retards think everyone in the Ukraine was a kulak, and use Stalin's overly broad definition of kulak.
Literally no one is saying that dumbass.
wtf im an anti-semite now
Who is saying that?
What did you expect? Ukraine was under German control thanks to Treaty of Brest-Litovsk leading to German control over the region henceforth lot of black market guns and other military surplus during the ww1. Most of the Russian military equipment was tightly controlled by the military and later by the soldier-soviets.
For some inexplicable reason they seem to support Israel and NATO.
The serfs would've pulled themselves up by their bootstraps but the evil commies prevented that, obviously.
Sequel where main character joins the UPA fucking when?
Why not just use the English words instead of awkwardly interrupting your sentence with the translations to include some foreignese?
Modern Ukraine is proof that there should have been a holodomor tbh.
That's the same as Christian messianism though. At least, in the original Catholodox conception; later revisionism seems to dislike this aspect. But already in the second century the bishop Irenaeus stated that God had "become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself." And Athanasius, who came up with the still-obeyed Athanasian Creed and established much of what is considered to be proper Christian teaching today, brought us the famous quote: "God became man so that man might become God."
That is still based on being secondary to the God (he is the one doing the lifting). Soviet culture was that of independent ascension, making people the Gods.
I was about to ask if that included money sunk in marketing, then I quickly realized the movie had none.
It's no coincidence that fashwave and reactionary media conjure up images of the 1980's.