Sum up your worldview in one picture

Of the future if possible. Maybe more than one pic, but still.

I simultaneously like how things change, but I know it's not going to be nice.
The forth industrial revolution is around the corner, and will rethink everything about production processes and lots of other services and aspects of life.

It will reframe so violently the whole working class that communism will need to be greatly overhauled in unforseeable ways (even if the basic ideals remain intact).




Why is he mean to the cat? I don't like.

Cat prolly pissed on his rug.

Constant struggle.


Inspirobot nailed it.

Tbh this.







Putin supports pro-zionist european parties, has trade, travel, nuclear-scientific and military collaboration projects with Israel and there are hundreds of thousands of Russian-Israeli double citizens living in both countries.


lotta depressed people here I see


illegalize work in all its forms

Life aint fair for sad cats like us

This or "Disappointed but not surprised."

I'm thinking about that stuff frequently OP

The Union of Britain is my spirit animal.



my friends @ me

It's hard not to be when the world is such a shit.

I just hope that whatever happens I'm actually there for it, instead of just living in the era but never having the experience to learn from or pass on the knowledge of. Like, my biggest fear is to be one of those people who lived through WWI and WWII in bum-fuck Nebraska or Ohio and whose life was never really affected much by it. They saw the world changing around them and shrugged their shoulders and kept doing the same shit they'd be doing for the rest of their lives without pause. Revolution fail or succeed I wanna be there.

It'll either be technofascist dystopia or post-apocalyptic dystopia.





The world around us may be going to hell, but I still have hope for the future. That's American optimism for ya.

What the fuck he doing to Pana?? Fucking pigs



Uphold Posadgandov thought!





Those are some nightmarish faces.



Totalism or death, there is no mercy for the counter revolutionaries friendo


Mosley is a LARPing fuck, totalism is revisionism.





You're all fucking pathetic


Whereas you're some sort of hero of the ages, apparently.

Quite simply. Our goal is to bring about the utter destruction of capitalism.

Why stop at just capitalism?




Is she based on Yoko Ono?




Probably the single most greatest image I’ve ever seen in all 10 years of lurking image boards.

t. SocDem
I'm landscape and I'm weirdly turned on by hairy women. Judge me if you will.

*I'm pansexual


You got me

I knew you'd kill her it you got the chance.




Diogenes the poop covered philosopher.



literally, actually this, and I don't even read or support Stalin.

Here's a version for pussies.




-Sir Isaac Newton


fred hampton should be mandatory
what a good speaker


Me vs the people i talk to.


Sometimes it's just one of those days
