Finally were getting some of the recognition we deserve from the elder statesmen of the counter culture.
Finally were getting some of the recognition we deserve from the elder statesmen of the counter culture.
Holy shit. The ABSOLUTE STATE of the comments. Imagine being this easily triggered.
more fragile than glass
I'm guessing the asshurt will reach orbit.
Al Jorgensen is a poser and this is 100% posturing to catch a wave but it was still funny
Wasn't this already posted here? Or was that 0ch?
metalheads are garbage
Tbh this is better.
Always gets me fucking hyped
Nah. All the metalheads I know are well adjusted members of society (although mostly sucdem left but still) and actually very chill and fun to be around.
i love metal, but i just cant bring myself to talk about it in public because of the cringey aut rightists that inhabit the scene.
Am I the only one who found that "right wing metalheads" only listen to nu male tourist garbage? Usually shit europower, melodeath or ambient black metal
i think they listen to it for their male power fantasy or smth.
I always thought of myself as a nice enough person……..
no, it's just demo phrases, listen to Fahnenflucht for political punk
Someone add to this
The butthurt is astounding. And not to mention that a lot of them probably unironically listen to Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower and Amebix.
What's wrong with Bolt Thrower? I'm not a metalhead, but a friend of mine said they've got some strong anti-war themes in their songs.
That's exactly the point. All the bands I mentioned are, or have some members who are, socialists in one shape or form. Maybe I phrased it badly.
I never click YouTube links. What the fuck is it
It's just Ministry being edgelords as usual. Literally nothing new.
Fashies confirmed for shit taste in waifus.
Eyy, don't be talkin' smack about my Chinese cartoons. B'sides, they're pretty much a part of modern parlance on the Chans.
I just got cancer from that secondhand embarrassment.
Ministry has always sucked, this song was no exception. American antifa is cancer, and so is lifestylist anarchism.
Twitch was a good album tho
That's not the point, these assclowns can't possibly believe they are masculine in the slightest.
Reminder that anyone with a name like Pax Germanica or whatever the fuck is probably 90% doughboy.
Their early stuff rules
psalm 69 and the mind is a terrible thing to taste are great
and their cover of the stones' under my thumb
the rest not so much
my favorites are right at the top
they're unbelievably thinskinned
their whole free speech movement isn't based on freedom of expression but on freedom from being criticized, that's what they actually want
It's just projection. The Holla Forumstards that don't look like "nu-males" (i.e. normal young men) look like pic related, which is why I think so many of them are fixated on idealized masculinity.
Holla Forumsacks are, were and will always be the kids who got roasted and bullied at grade school and (typically) are too afraid of getting yelled at by mom when they wanna shoot it up/
That's not a good thing.
Ambient Black Metal is good, but in general the only rightist I know of in the scene listen to shitty neo-nazi black metal.
Twitch is so fucking good.
Is there any reason why bronies tend to be so right wing?
IRL metal here isn't alt-right at all afaik. The only metalheads I've met IRL who were right-wing were actual neo-Nazi types.
Autism and getting rejected by women.
Land of Rape and Honey too, and the satellite albums around Rape/Mind/69 - Trait, In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up, and The Last Temptation of Reid.
They review bomb books about antifa on amazon like this too. Whatever their faults, antifa really strikes a nerve with these people.
Oh, snap! One of the songs is going to be called TV 5/4 Chan. Expect even more butthurt.
So you think these anime avatar posters are going to boycott Death Grips too? lol
Actually there was a ton of butthurt over at 4/mu/ from Holla Forumsyps who went to those shows, multiple threads of reeing
Their W40K themed album is fucking great tho
'least im not at brony levels of retarded. Where ya jack off to cartoon ponies drawn for kids who arnt even 10 yet.
I love how rightywhities accuse us leftists of being pedo and yet they have some of the most suspect people.
I wish they could get triggered off the internets…
Early ministry was good.
Still Trent Reznor>Ministry
Why do you faggotshave such boner for old failure of an ideology? Oh right it promises you paradise on earth. You are the christians of modern era. God died and bitches had to find something new to cling to.
Btw outside your safespace everyone thinks communism is retarded.
The real question is: why the fuck do you care?
'Antifa' are glorified socdem radlibs who have defended neoliberalism nearly since their inception. They rejected class consciousness for lumpen idpol. They aren't even anarchists and don't call themselves anarchists unless they can attach a bunch of idpol labels to it.
Even during the G20 riots they spent their time destroying the cars of random working/middle class people and leaving porky's businesses untouched. Mainstream liberal glorification of 'antifa' = CIA controlled opposition.
miss me with that corporate shit
This. Ozzy was essentially a hippy.
maeks u think
Makes the noggin joggin.
Also get your fedora ready
geezer butler wrote (most of the) lyrics anyway
Anti-germans are CIA and have like 13 members.
Some NSBM is fairly good, like Nokturnal Mortum. Kataxu, Absurd etc, don't write it all off because of the political bent.
Okay, so how do we go about fixing the whole Marduk fuck up? That was really fucking brain dead.
That shit was infuriating. It'd at least make ideological sense to do it to a band like Grand Belial's Key or Arghoslent but I don't give a fuck where you align politically, if you've got the opportunity to be at an Arghoslent show and you aren't giving yourself whiplash to "The Banners of Castille," then you qualify for "The Most Massive Faggot in this Plane of Existence" award.
Stop treating Metalheads like they're the enemy. SJWs can't touch it because there's no "Metal Board of Directors" governing it (lib-shills tried getting Hell's Headbangers to stop carrying certain artists due to political leanings… didn't happen). The only authority in Metal is rebellion, it's an entire scene built around being as transgressive as humanly possible. The right wing elements in Metal are going to exist by its very nature but honestly, it's our problem there aren't many (good) Metal bands with assertively leftist messages. Carcass, Kreator and Cattle Decapitation are the most prominent I can think of off the top of my head but there are TONS of great NSBM artists.
Make good music and the Metalheads will come. Stop making HipsterGazeBlackMetal or whatever the hell it is.
Sup, pegging enthusiast?
This a joke, right?
t. faggot who read nietzsche once and thinks he's smart.
love the triggered autists, but the video was cringy af.
Rin was the best by far. Prove me wrong. Pro-Tip: You can't ; - ;none of them are real anyway tho
Yeah eat a dick.
When it's good, it's great.
This band is past its prime. The used to make some cool videos tho.
Just One Fix
should have ended here
Nah, metal music is. Metalheads are people, and hopefully they will grow out of being manchildren, but with more and more childish media being targeted towards adults, I doubt it.
Getting worked up over what music other people listen to makes you the actual child. Or an assburger at best.
read The Ignorant Schoolmaster, fam
My ears bleed.
send a medic.
What happened?