As a leftist who doesn't participate in political action I've been wondering, what's up with antifa? There are loads of right wing myths surrounding the whole thing and it seems really hard to evaluate the situation and separate fact from fiction. Does anyone have any information on how prevalent burning cars for example is? In general, can someone paint an accurate picture of the movement's tactics and produce a critique along with it?
As a leftist who doesn't participate in political action I've been wondering, what's up with antifa...
Cars only really get burnt in Germany and that mostly isn't antifa but anarchist and socialist groups protesting some thing or another for example the G8 meetings. Antifa where I'm from (UK) is specifically just opposing fascism by disrupting meetings, marches, etc, but also getting involved in community solidarity groups and such, most people do a variety of other activism, usually AFA is Conducted either by old hard guys who like fighting and socialism or angry studenty types and these exist to an equal degree, but varies massively depending on which groups you are talking about.
It should noted that Chomsky has recently decried antifa, and Chomsky, as good a historian as he is, is these days a liberal, and that not liking antifa is fundamentally liberal.
Anti-fascism is exactly what the name suggests, at least historically. It's an informal term for political cliques and movements opposed to the original fascist movement in Europe and the alliances they often made for the sake of dealing with a common enemy. The association of antifa with petty rioting instead of political action is due to the exploitation of a subculture by the vapid children of the bourgeois and petty-bourgs, similar to the sixties counterculture in the Anglosphere. This is largely because blunt neofascism became increasingly unpopular in favor of "softer" right-authoritarianism that sought to adapt to mainstream politics instead of subverting them, so antifa became a pointless facet of status quo liberalism instead of an acting arm of the left wing. Anarchism has also suffered from a similar influx of normies, but for different reasons.
It's come to the US in recent years because burger politics are a sad farce, so pointless public misbehavior suits them well.
Lack of theory, which necessarily entails bad praxis (as is evident in their failure to win any real allies).
The movement isn't motivated by deep political and philosophical oppositions to fascism backed by leftist theory, but by nothing more than "feelz" and liberal morality.
American "Antifa" are idpol riddled liberals who defend the state and call anyone who isn't with them nazis, are comprised of anyone who wants to show up to beat up the nazi of the day
German "Antifa" are idpol riddled liberals who defend the state and call anyone who isn't with them nazis, are comprised of anyone who wants to show up to beat up the nazi of the day
British "Antifa" are idpol riddled liberals who defend the state and call anyone who isn't with them nazis, are comprised of anyone who wants to show up to beat up the nazi of the day, also somehow they are even pro EU?
Greek "antifa" are anarchists and call themselves anarchists and subvert the state at all times and attack all people who are actually authoritarian, including authoritarian leftists, and don't attack just anyone they see who is not with them, normal people, or just average mild conservative greeks.
Antifa is shit.
British ANTIFA doesn't exist you mong.
Did it completely die out? It has a long history…
Which one is you?
Antifa are cringy millennial hooligans who want to feel like revolutionaries or a resistance to cope with their degenerate worthless lives.
I'm from Maine, actually. Never been across the pond.
Sure, secret ☭TANKIE☭.
agree. this feels disingenuous
German "Antifa" are idpol riddled liberals who defend the state and call anyone who isn't with them nazis, are comprised of anyone who wants to show up to beat up the nazi of the day
British "Antifa" are idpol riddled liberals who defend the state and call anyone who isn't with them nazis, are comprised of anyone who wants to show up to beat up the nazi of the day, also somehow they are even pro EU?
Stop spreading this bullshit, you know nothing about antifa
No. I'm basing what I say on their actions and messages. I don't know what better source you want than that.
Nah, instead in the UK most anti-fash action is actually undertaken by a formally organised pressure group called "Unite Against Fascism". The same kind of ANTIFA bollocks doesn't occur because there is an actual organisation, not just a unifying banner.
lol UAF are the liberals. British antifa is probably 20 or so people in each major city and whoever else they can bring along on the day. The groups have a middling amount of co-operation which mostly amounts to being in the same place at the same time and wanting to physically oppose fascists. UAF are the ones saying things such as "you are just as bad as fascists" etc . It is made up by the worst kind of trots.
Alright then, show me the evidence of british antifa doing what you have just described
The antifa contingient was not protesting against brexit, they had planned a pro-freedom of movement demonstration on that day anyway, antifa does not have a position on brexit.
See? I told you you didn't know shit.
Look up the anti-deutsche to find the most retarded sub-group within German antifa
I wonder who could be behind this post
fixed that 4 you
Reminder that North American antifa is really embarassing and cringey compared to European antifa.
What the actual fuck…
Tell me about how much you know about the anti-national tendency, such as it's origins and underpinning philosophy. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Just radlibs and smashies being smashies, that pretty much is all that is to American ANTIFA. Tho I'm personally fine with smashies, all the red liberals, post-colonial activists and bourgeois feminists brings the movement down to petty revisionism and radical reformism which just resorts trying to duel with right over a shitty spectacle like the culture war(s)
Please kill yourself.
are you confused or just retarded
What's wrong with reading theory anons?
is this some new meme i'm not hip to? Marxism-Leninism-Bordigism with mutualist characteristics?
I'm actually a post-Nazbol Bordigist Anarcho-Syndical Mutualist.
Get on my level nerd
It's going to dissolve like Occupy once Trump's successor takes office. They live in the gaping maw of unilateral imperial power and have only taken issue because the television told them. Yeah you're totally not a useful idiot, okay.
oh, i get it now
no plz I dont wanna go back. Holla Forums is comfy
Antifa is a meme. They haven't really accomplished anything other than pissed off some liberals.
Doubt it honestly.
Here in germany people bash antifa all the time despite nazis doing more than twice as much offenses (23555 to 9389).
Antifa have made the British far-right a laughing stock so I'm thankful for that.
Does this include the countless crimes the far-right commit but the police ignores?
easy way to trigger germans is to compare what they're doing to greece to holocaust and saying that even though they're not burning people in ovens it's still violence against another nation
Yoooo what's up my fellow Maine lefty! Portland?
you are an individualist then
read some Malatesta
Why though?
They're just idpol liberals chimping out against state and corporate sanctioned targets
They're getting gulag'd along with the fascists
sup, officer?
Antifa's been hijacked by libs; black bloc / direct action is important, I feel, and it's also important to respond to racists &c, but antifa really doesn't respond to economical issues, issues of classism, wage theft, corporatism, ecological threat, etc. IMO they should – until they do they'll just keep getting watered down by libs and tumblr kids who want to be literal social justice warriors.
Antifa absorbs class struggle and organizes consent. Very conservative movement now. Sad!