Who are some good contemporary thinkers to read?

Who are some good contemporary thinkers to read?

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What do you mean when you say "contemporary"? Ones that are writing currently, as of today?


post more anime tittie and i'll tell ya

Read mao then read Asser
After that i suggest trotsky

Can't you just answer?

zizek and richard wolff, capitalism hits the fan is great, and his show economic update is pretty good too.


Sam Harris
Jordan Peterson
Stephan Molyneaux
Julius Evola
Charles Murray
Hans Herman Hoppe
The list goes on


Google Bookchin

Žižek, Zupančič, Dolar, Badiou, Rancière, Byung-Chul Han, Ha-Joon Chang, Bruce Fink, Robert Pfaller, Fredric Jameson - this list is all contemplative, there's so many great luminaries at work. Really recommend the book "General Intellects" if you're looking for an idea of who would be interesting to read, along with a great analysis of the stratifying nature of modern analysis and critique across discourses

Less contemporary: de Saussure, Freud and then Lacan, Althusser, Alain-Miller, Lyotard, Deleuze (at least the virtual reality stuff), Rorty, Heidegger, Adorno, Baudrillard, Marcuse, Horkheimer, Fromm, Benjamin. Same deal here as above with the sheer volume of text to read and material to work with

The thread was about thinkers, please don't recommend people who demonstrated in their works that they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

pls bro


do tell, friend, who are these thinkers you speak of? Who, in your opinion, shatters the whole of existent thought and begins new trends of cognition without any relation to previous works?

Indeed it does:
Jodi Dean
Al Giordano
Jenny Zhang
Francis E. Dec
Richard Spencer
Joy Reid
the Jareds L&F
Laura Loomer
Arthur Chu
& that guy Tony Blair


Alain Badiou
Giorgio Agamben
Michael Löwy
István Meszaros (RIP)
Hardt and Negri
Fredric Jameson
Terry Eagleton
Alenka Zupancic
Franco Berardi
David Harvey

where is putin though

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Sam Harris, Jared Diamond, Slavoj Zizek and Sasha Gray.



The only person worth reading in this list and who isn't absolute trash is Ha-Joon Chang. Seriously worthless recommendations.

Rancière's The Ignorant Schoolmaster is definitely worth reading.

Moishe Postone
Anselm Jappe
Robert Kurz
Maurizio Lazzarato
Nick Land

Lauren Southern

Mark Fisher - contemporary until very recently.

I don't know, dude was the epitome of an antiphilosopher, not so much better than Levinas - his use of Wittgenstein as a base for his theory on subject - while rejecting hegemonic ethical distinctions, does not reject their teleological basis. There is still a thing-in-itself within his thought that makes it very difficult to take the whole "infinite and unflinching human subjectivites in essence" seriously without seeing that his philosophy operates on the same assumptions of that which that idea critiques, that of a total social organization of thought and being.

He isn't popular on this board, but I personally really like Noam Chomsky



Postone is a Zionist.

Only hipsters don't like Chomsky.



did he have good medieval praxis?

None. Read Marx.

Great idea.

One cannot truly understand socialism without first having a well versed understanding of Anglo Saxon monarchs.

Noam Chomsky (fucking obviously)
Paul Virilio
Catherine Malabou
Byung-Chul Han
Manuel DeLanda
David Harvey
Alexander Galloway
Anselm Jappe
The Invisible Committee

forgot Franco ""Based" "Bifo" Berardi

F Day By Colin Turner (Fictional story of creating anarcho-communism using modern technology).

Preventing Violence By James Gilligan (security in a society is important, so learning about how to prevent violence is important).

Democracy At Work By Richard Wolff (book about Worker Cooperatives theory and practice).

Markets Not Capitalism By Gary Chartier and Charles Johnson (Mutualist theory).

(It's free…)


Bad Samaritans By Ha Joon Chang (Concise case against neoliberalism).


Nick Land.

I like to add philosophers Martha Nussbaum, Nancy Fraser, Judith Butler, Jürgen Habermas, Dominik Finkelde and Uriah Kriegel.

These posts together tell such a story

I cannot believe I forgot him
