Fuck you, Bush

Fuck you, Bush.

It's time to get out of Iraq, Bush.

What were you even doing there in the first place, Bush?

You didn't even get properly elected, Bush.

Are you happy now, Bush?

Fuck you, Bush.


Is Jordan Peterson the real life equivalent of Mark?

In what way?

obsessses over history (in a non constructive way), and imagines himself to be on the level of napoleon. thinks everyone should just fix themselves, and doesn't recognize systemic problems.
btw I might be wrong

Also, is severely classcucked, despite being nothing more than a prole in a suit. Not to meintion he is scared to death by loud women and children

Peep show is fucking amazing


i dont know how people forget this all the time, still thinking elections work.

peep show really is a 10/10 show but its also a great representation of blair era britain.



Why doesn't a lot of the stuff making fun of Trump have the same punch that the stuff making fun of Bush did? He's at least as incompetent as Bush.

internet shills werent as big a thing back then and they had more trouble reaching out to the youth. when corporate hotshots thought of youth appeal back then they were still on yoyos and hiphop.

Where does this idea about Bush being incompetent come from? His administration oversaw the building of history's most extensive surveillance apparatus. His administration massively increased the state's ability to suppress resistance and dissent with the kind of torture/intelligence apparatus the likes of which had only previously been seen in Beria's wet dreams. His administration built a geopolitical clusterfuck in the Middle East that has resulted in trillions (with a T) of dollars being funneled to his backers in the military industrial complex. The ideological framework painstakingly built by his administration has not only perpetuated these handouts, but built a solid electoral base that has lead today to a lockout at every level of government for his rival party. While doing all of that, he still managed to find the time to drown a shitload of voters antagonistic to his party (aka black people). All of his policies have survived the administration of his political rivals, and any ill will he accrued has been publicly absolved in the course of a few talk show appearances.

The only way the activities of the Bush administration could be construed as incompetent is if you have a seriously incorrect idea of any given administration's goals. When considered in terms of services rendered to the ruling class (the only actual measure of an American president), Bush might be the greatest president in living memory.

you realize George Bush isn't the only person controlling the executive branch, right?

Unironic theory: Peep Show is the first tv programme to look at the effects of alienation through a social context with the two main proletarian classes of today: the precariat and the salariat

Even if it's true why should we treat him any differently if all conservatives are the same? They both should get the bullet.

people have a nasty habit of expecting the president to benefit them or "hold up their end of the bargain", then brushing off their failure to do so as mere stupidity. overall, people tend to view the idea of leaders serving corporate interests while disregarding common people as little more than resources as a paranoid fantasy.

it doesnt help that "dubya" seems kind of dopey on his own, but also consider that 'alternative news' to most people is comedy central.

I fucking love how they mention Blair in some weird context almost every other episode.

Peep Show is legit the best comedy of the past 10 years

Can someone make one of these, but with Trump? After all, Bush wasn't exactly unique; protection and expansion of unprocessed material has been American doctrine since the genesis of the country.

People hated Bush for his policies, and for what a blatant, open cocksucker he was to the establishment. Also, Bush was seen as strongly in control of the media, attempting to impose censorship and notions of wrongthink over society.

Trump is the opposite, libs agree with most of the actual policies he's implementing, and care more about the fact his rhetoric hurts their dewicate feefees, while in reaction to Trump's anti-establishment rhetoric, libs are openly declaring themselves to be pro-establishment rather than attacking the sincerity of Trump's line. As for the media, they are histrionically opposed to Trump, and have been attempting to impose a culture of censorship and brainwashing, which only serves to reinforce the popular irritation that brought Trump into office.

For Trump it would be "you know, really, these very heinous gas attacks by the Titan regime will not be tolerated."

Because this time we know from experience how powerless we really are when posting it.