Why are you guys so cool with miscegenation?

Observed genetic differences between populations as a result of recent positive selection (e. g. skin pigmentation, immune system variation) do not match your beliefs about genetic differences in IQ or what have you.

Therefore any differences associated with races cannot be genetic and are mostly social in origin.

Play with semantics all you want, you know very well what I mean when I say race-mixing I'm referring to a black person and a white person having a child for instance. I've been citing reasons why this is bad. Why are you so okay with children facing all this harm?

If that's what you mean by diversity then sure, but not so sure commies mean the same thing when they talk about diversity.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

If you miscegenation will contribute to this phenomenon that you are fully aware of then why encourage it?? seems kind of messed up

1st one
Most studies are based on clinical reports or reports of mixed-race samples without comparison to single-race groups. It is not surprising that such samples lead to the conclusion of emotional and behavior problems, as clinical samples are self-selected for problems. No national data on adolescents have been reported, except from the sample we used.

2nd one
"Most of the risk items we assessed may be related to stress, and so we believe being of mixed race is a source of stress," Udry said. "From this work, we cannot identify further the sources of that stress. More research is needed to identify those sources and possibly suggest programs that might help biracial adolescents.

Quite a few studies attest in some way to the emotional, health and behavioral risk problems of multiracial adolescents," he said. "The most common explanation for the high-risk status is the struggle with identity formation, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation and problems of family dynamics in biracial households."

Since some previous studies found no differences between biracial and single-race children, Udry and his colleagues wanted to explore the relative risk of mixed race adolescents with teens of a single race using a large nationally representative sample.

When first reported in 1997, Add Health showed that strong and supportive ties between parents and children helped protect adolescents against risky behaviors, including substance abuse, early sexual activity, pregnancy, emotional distress, suicide and violence.

Feeling connected with one’s school and, in some cases, one’s religion also helped adolescents avoid some of the pitfalls of youth, the study showed.

"These findings offered the parents of America a blueprint for what worked in protecting their kids from harm," Udry said. "Contrary to common assumptions, Add Health found that parents – not just peers – were extremely relevant to their children throughout adolescence," he said.

Did you know that within-population differences among individuals account for 93 to 95% of genetic variation; differences among major groups constitute only 3 to 5%?

Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12493913

90% of genetic variation is accounted for by within-group differences and so “races” are not an acceptable description of human biodiversity

Clustering in PCA (interpreted by race realists as traditional racial categories) is an artifact of low sampling density and human diversity is better depicted by a cline than racial groups,

First, heritability is not informative about between-group differences in a trait. Second, if environmental variation that influences variation in IQ test scores is eliminated, this will reduce the overall variation in IQ test scores and so weaken any white supremacist argument about race and IQ. Third, as a high heritability of IQ test scores does not imply that the influence of genes on IQ test scores is large. Remember, heritability is just a ratio of variances, not about individual development. Fourth, both the influence of genes and genetic variation does not make something more resistant to change. Genes play a large role in certain diseases like phenylketonuria, but the difference between people with PKU and without PKU can be reduced by simple environmental interventions (e. g.phenylalanine free diet). The exists influences of genetic variation on variation in IQ test scores, but these estimates are only valid for a particular population in a particular environment. We also know that environmental interventions can increase IQ as the reaction range is something like 15-20 points.

Dicky Spencer's take on this is accurate, don't know why this is even a major concern for you paranoid chucklefucks.

"[Racemixing] is not really a threat to White Identity, to be honest, simply because of numbers. In terms of intermarriage between Asians and Whites or something, it's not something significant that we really have to deal with. It's not like half of the country is East-Asian and the other half is White and we're all mixing - that is simply not happening on that scale, so it's simply not an important question. I don't feel like intermarriage is really threatening White Identity." - Richard Spencer

A paper called “Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability” in Psychology, Public Policy, and Law back in 2005 by Rushton and Jensen claims that a moderate heritability of IQ test scores within groups imply that the difference between groups is 50% due to genes. As we have seen, this is wrong. Heritability is not informative about in group differences, as it is possible to have a heritability of 1 for a trait within a group, yet attribute all variation between groups to environmental variation. Second, heritability says nothing about the relative merit of genes in explaining phenotypic variation, only the relative merit of genetic variation as an explanation. Despite understanding more about heritability than the average white supremacist, Rushton and Jensen still make this flawed argument.

And again this is debunked by the very sources that YOU provided.
