Wtf when did that happen?
Looks like Holla Forums is plotting another spergout
I agree with this. Holla Forumstrash rely on merely quipping and getting a desired reaction "that proves them right". By alerting them of their phony tactics it can help deter and diminish the effect these 'ebin raids XD' have on the unsuspecting.
I don't see how you can dismiss the increased rate of racial-based violence in the U.S. in the past year alone as just 'a distraction'. They may still be small in the large scale of things but what needs to be remembered is that these facist groups don't strike overnight but creep in. Any history of any Holla Forums board in the past 7 years or so would show you how to they all progress to the same facist crap from their first, general, satirical beginnings.
The point is to neuter THEIR message as milquetoast idpozzed liberal drivel. Don't even take credit for it, just post other liberal shit around it and make them seem like boring libs
Lmao. Trump was voted in by fox news dads in the middle of the country, not virgin sperglords living in the coastal cities trying to spite their parents in an age when being a hippy/punk just doesn't do it anymore
Holy fuck, there's no end to the laughs.
Maybe because 'sexual and gender identities' were invented for porky's pockets
back to neogaf pls
This is SJW mentality, and you will get the gulag for it. Enjoy your stay.
If fascism is not opposed in all its forms, it grows. You don't have to act like a triggered SJW to fuck with them. Simple things like posting a sign that simply reads 't. persecution complex' next to it would be hilarious.
You have to fuck with them rather than just being angry. Ridicule is your strongest weapon.