Tfw agree with Karl Marx's analysis of capitalism and agree communism would be better


The workers have no nation. Also I hope the entire world will have a universal language one day either English or German, just to get rid of all these culture spooks.

Amen, comrade. We must build a new folk culture!

weak trolling Holla Forums, you should read Marx more

I'm genuinely not a Holla Forumsyp

read Bordiga

One universal language is not possible when you want to overtrow capital. Only captial dynamics leads to relocation of workers and mixing their languages, forcing bourgeois languages upon us. I use English only because it's language of my emlorer, used in my proffessional work. Despite being anarchist communist and internationalist, I love also my native tongue, local poetry and culture, and never want to give up it, despite petty bourgeoise tendencies to show it as being worse than English in all areas of life.
Sincerely I rather wish death to English cultural imperialism and American culture that comes with this language to our country,

Read Marx.
