fug :DD are there any socialist/communist theorists who agree with nationalist
also by nationalism I don't mean thinking my "people" is superior or something nazi like
Tfw agree with Karl Marx's analysis of capitalism and agree communism would be better
read up on socialist patriotism and our boy tito
why did you post a map of the habitat of the Oriental Cockroach
Then you're not a nationalist.
You may like your people shit so much but that doesn't mean it is anything specially.
You may hate brownies and foreigners so much but that doesn't mean you are not a nazis.
You have many spooks to overcome.
Communism without nationalism will never be true communism.
Without cultural ties linking people, they will never be able to trust each other to achieve communsim.
I support cooperation between nations, but that's it.
Read Bakunin
It's totally fine to have a personal preferred aesthetic, as it is to love your actual community (as in the people you actually interact with, not the people you're told you interact with more; for example, considering you're posting on an imageboard, you probably don't really relate much to the rest of the inhabitants of your neighborhood or town) more than the average bloke, but "nations" are arbitrary nonsense created post-hoc to justify the continued existence of states in a republican culture.
No I posted a picture of the Turkic nation that will unite and be a superpower by 2019
But nations and cultures have been around for ages
Where can I find stuff like this? Marxists org doesn't have tito
Just don't get in the way of the Socialist movement and you'll enjoy a post revolutionary society whose liberated citizenry will be capable of creating real, folk culture.
does this real, folk culture involve the creation of a one world culture? Or do you mean by that that culture will be proper and not just consumer culture we have today