What the fuck happened to this board?

it's the same as ever

mods, requesting permabans on the "this board is shit now" meme if the board has not actually gone to shit

The board went to shit when trump got elected because it turned a lot of the actual theoretical discussion into more memes. The memes are fine, but it's all the board has been lately.

Neogaf refugees and server shitting themself

You did.

We used to be more diverse, things like crypto anarchism were at least entertained, then the Reddit leftcoms came and suddenly if it isnt instant value abolition or absolutely orthodox Marxism you have to deal with the same shit over and over again, makes it boring to post because every thread becomes the same conversations with people telling you either "read Marx" or "read Bordiga" without actually making an argument as to why you should do that. Used to be this place was where a new left was in the making, it's just turned into your average soviet fetishisation fest, when was he last time we produced a new in joke meme? Sectarian dogmatists took out the fun. We stopped being a place where ideas were tested and debated and became a place where everyone sticks to their flags and flings shit, when the mods tried to ban talk about Rojava that's when I knew this place had lost it. There is really nowhere else to go but between the Reddit ultras and the Reddit tankies it just ain't the same. Way less well read or interesting posts, way more self righteous intellectually arrogant bs. Also, I actually think this place was better when we didn't just delete every pol thread, we consistently btfo every single one that came here and got lots of converts because of it, that doesn't happen so much anymore because this is no longer a leftist board with open debate, it's a hug box with internal infighting. Now more people want to talk about le leftist cat girls and muh anime than theory

I don't know but it's fucking boring now, always the same threads about relationships, endless debates about misunderstandings of basic Marxist terminology, shitty American current events and e-celebs, maybe it's time to take a break for me.

Hold the fuck up.
The leftcoms are redditors?
That explains a shit ton.