

Thank you, that's very helpful.

Take it from another young guy, go back to fucking reddit.

Have you been here for literally only 2 minutes?

I hope I didn't come across this stupid when I was 21.

What did he mean by this?

m-muh SJWs!! lol stay BTFO you absolute retarded cuckold who knows nothing about real geopolitics, economics, or culture.

You have to be either retarded or 15-years old. Which is it?

we can only pray, takbir brother

The people you're talking about are not the "counterculture." The counterculture is the ideas of the alt-lite, ie Paul Joseph Watson/free speech crowd. Not even Paul Joseph Watson himself, just the general ideas he espouses.

As long as advocating for the censorship and silencing of opposing viewpoints is an institutionally accepted viewpoint on the internet, right wing populism and libertarianism are going to be the counterculture.