Do it, screw Anarchopac
Was socialist before it was cool
Do it anyway. Roo deserves all the shit he gets.
I meant in the sense that it would be somewhat "praising" him.
Not too sure if I should tho. Anarcho-Pac is part of a YT leftist community which I'm part of. I don't think it'd be a wise move if I did.
Just change the lyrics to make them derogatory.
I know nothing about Anarcho-Pac or the issues they have towards Jason
Can someone bring me to speed.
The irony here is that he is a white boy who identifies as "agender" in order to get oppression points.
The thing is I was going to reply saying "Fuck him, he's just a liberal with some edgy aesthetic" but thought I'd double check his twitter just in case since I've not looked at anything to do with him for ages, and his entire twitter conveyed the feeling so much better and all you need to do is click stuff at random and link it here.
Here he is praising the feminists on his campus and showing their efforts as proof idpol isn't just privileged whining. His campus is fucking Cambridge.
Very ironic how the most "radical" universities/colleges are always some of the most elite schools in the world. Berkeley, Columbia, McGill, Oxford, Cambridge, Wellesley, Dartmouth, I could go on forever.
This Twitter post frustrates me greatly. I can get where they are coming from in that ignoring the inequaly prejudice of our Legal Sytems towards minorties but I feel as if they missed the point of the YT comment in that while yes inequality amongst social groups are disproportinate this hiearchy stems from Capitalism. On a more blogpost note Im a tranny MtF and while I dont know much about Agender I would ask people to judge them based upon their character and not their identity.