Debating Holla Forumscucks on /his/

If you don't have (at least) mild schizophrenia, you're a brainlet.

If I do something stupid I just convulse on my floor mimicking a seizure until I feel better about myself.

Which is why I specified 80's or after, mostly because the injection of sugars and fats that causes the american diet to be too calorie rich.

I occasionally punch myself repeatedly in the face; I think I have given myself a brain aneurysm.

which was fake btw lol

Imagine how an idpol progressive would react to being told that gender roles are the consequence of sexual dimorphism and men on average are more psychologically fit to compete in meritocratic or competitive work environments leading to inequality. Or that the destruction of the family unit served to destroy social cohesion, worsen public mental health, and enrich the state and capitalist class.

Breadlines implies they had bread.

If anyone wants to join on the debate, im the only lefty there it appears like

You're first statement is totally correct. But your second is just conjecture, the family unit is a relatively recent invention. I mean one could argue that the family unit is a perfect embodiment of capitalist production as Engels points out. Thought he obviously doesn't push for the destruction of the family; I don't think the family's destruction or creation has really anything to do with the eventual destruction of capitalist production. But what ever, I have a general idea of the people you are talking about. They think that any allegiance towards traditional family structure means that you are a fascist.

It's pretty fun when I sometimes start shaking and feel that I am losing control over my body. It's like drugs, but you don't have pay for it.