most lefty anarchists I meet just want to replace the state with their own SJW hyper-dictatorial state.
Socdem ftw
most lefty anarchists I meet just want to replace the state with their own SJW hyper-dictatorial state.
Socdem ftw
socdem gang assemble!
Yeah social totalitarianism is really strong among anarchist circles. I think at some level it is their attempt at reforming society without abiding by the dialectical process outlined by Marx.
It's just that the circles claim to be leaderless, which means they don't have to have democratically elected leaders, which means the leaders can't be held responsible, can't be questioned, and turn their personal politics into their future utopian state
Scandinavia is NEET paradise
Don't let these "revolutionaries" convince you otherwise 'cuz it's obvious from this thread they don't care about you
Husbands? People eating at restaurants?
Neogaf gtfo
Read a book.
he's right though, as soon as you gather and start to make rules for forming a gvmt, that is a gvmt
anarchists are just people who want a new gvmt and don't want to use parliamentary means
or they are actually retarded enough to think society can operate without some hierarchy from representation
And why
are you so
with a thread length
or visual formatting
choices of other people?
So, are we to feel sorry for you?
Because getting rid of people that literally leech off the state isnt going to make me lose sleep, I assure you
It isnt state charity that we believe in