Nazi germany just gassed systematically 6 million jews in industrial fashion so 100 billion people dying from shortage of food is much worse.
B-But the Soviets
fuck. off.
No, the difference is that, in the US, if you are accused of being a counter-revolutionary, due process exists to protect your rights as an American citizen. There are prisons in the US have outdoor portions, so you'll have to be specific. But you aren't tossed in jail because of mock trials initiated to silence political opposition. I can talk as much shit as I want to about what laws I disagree with or what politician I hate, you couldn't do that under Stalinist USSR.
The Nazi flag is quite aesthetic tbh
The Espionage Act is unconstitutional, there are no two ways about that. But that does not mean that due process does not exist in the US, or that a perversion of the constitution makes all other examples to the contrary (of such repression of speech) irrelevant. You are creating a false dichotomy where you are either absolutely virtuous when it comes to valuing due process, or you aren't. There is a middle ground, and the USSR under Stalin was far worse. That doesn't mean the US was innocent, but its transgressions against its own constitution pale in comparison to the crusades against the counter-revolutionary under Stalin.
No one sides with the Nazis. Anyone with a brain can tell the difference between a deliberate industrial grade genocide around an entire ethnic group and accidental consequences of policies that did not have the explicit intent/targeting of ethnic groups from day 1.
Except there was a clear motivation against the kulaks. The rhetoric against the group, as a class of people, certainly existed. There is certainly doubt to be cast on the estimations, but there was clear intention. The 'Committees of Poor Peasants' was set up and one of the aims was grain confiscation; I don't see how that isn't an intention.
Based on behaviors rather than ethnicity. One was controllable, the other not. Fucked up? Sure. Not exactly the same though.