Of course Holla Forumstards would be peasants
Right wingers aren't well rea-
Well, at least it's a comprehensive collection of their vocabulary and mindset.
Observe how more or less all of them embrace a "this is the right way you should do thing X" or " this how should you think about thing Y" attitude in their titles alone. This isn't theory, it's near-religions doctrine of category "disengage your brain and follow these preset instructions instead".
Then again, isn't that the whole point of Authoritarianism? Left or Right, they literally believe everything's gonna be okay, as long as they shut up and play their part as a cog in the machine.
Authoritarians are afraid of the world and its problems. In lieu of recognizing their own agency, they seek out a daddy-figure to sort it out for them.
Yeah, none of those actually count as books.
Not to mention that none of those books looks over 300 pages.
Google the pic you cucks. OP just got it from somewhere else/copied it