Yep just right there in the theater. Probably a hundred over people too, we'll never know. I want you to imagine how many people he raped. Now, the truth is worse than that.
Sam Kriss: Rape King
Sam Kriss raped as many people as Stalin killed
Not nearly as many as Jesse Ferrar, ice heart
This is more news to people than actual news
His apology was pretty much exactly what people say a correct apology should. Turns out it's not. That's what happens when you are wrong and are convinced your right. He should have listed to Mark Fisher instead of helping persecute him to death.
Isn't Kriss that dipshit that hates Zizek and has in fact read Adorno or some other meme-worthy shit
and is only relevant to some news site
Yes and yes. He made a big stink about Zizek being islamophobic.
right so hes a pro islam liberal twat that would then (unsurprisingly) abuse women
I bet if I read up on this guy I'd see the sexual violence coming
Which is retarded since Zizek isn't islamophobic at all and is considerably less zionist than Kriss