""socialist"": wow look at these killing caused by religion
I would be suprised if Islam in the last 100 years has killed as many people as the 30 years war in the 17th century.
We dindu nuffin.
Muslims are the real monsters. Don't you remember 9/11?
Christian nations' imperialism over the last 200 years has killed more people than muslim terrorism.
Buddhism is pretty compatible with it afaik. The sutras say little about the origin of the world, and there's nothing offensive to it in the idea of animals being on the same continuum as humans, since that's one of its doctrines anyways.
Islam is the final stage of history after Communism, read Sayyid Qutb. Muslims did nothing wrong, they were provoked by America and terrorism and radicalism are reactions to imperialism.
I agree with you op. Christianity is the religion of socialism.
fugg reelidon ::DDD
Not to mention that Theravada eschatology literally deals with the Earth being swallowed by the Sun when it becomes a red giant. Make of that what you will.